new sub catagory


May 29, 2007
I was searching and
noticed there is no listing for annuity. Then when going through and noticed most of these individuals are only licensed to sell fixed life and Annuities. I realize that annuity are a retirement product, however the NASD requires that all fixed annuities be marketed as insurance products, thus these individuals should really have they own category. Also, In the financial Planning topics if the Planners were categorized by product offered and licenses it would be easer for planners to now what category to apply for. For example people with a CFP can submit to the certified financial Planner, but if they do retirement planning (by the way all planners do retirement planning) they could submit to Retirement Planning, or even money management. There is just too much over lap in these categories it should be no surprise people submit in the wrong place. Now if the heading were in terms the planners understood than site would get listed better. An example would be there is no licence for "money Manager" but there is a license for Registered Investment advisor's then this catogory could be broken down to specializations, Out-side money Managment, Pension, Investment adviser Representative, Donar advised Funds, Endowment.


May 13, 2007
In order to create a new category we first need some sites to list in it. If there are no websites dedicated to anuities and only anuities then we wouldn't be able to create a category for them.

Perhaps you could suggest some anuity-only websites to the parent category? When we get enough an editor may come along and decide to create a sub cat for them.
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