New Webmaster needing help....

Mar 23, 2010

I wrote a personalised website and my partner (now ex) owned the domain names webhosting etc....

I have had to go down the legal route to not only prove that it was my Intellectual Property after a less than amicable separation, only to find that he has abused the orginal domain names once associated with my content.

I have since moved servers and bought new webhosting and I am looking for help to firstly report the abusive redirect that he has on the domain names that he still owns and I am trying to figure out how or if I could approach bing, google etc that the website which was at the top of the search results could be replaced with my new domain name.....

I have sought legal advice on the abusive redirect and my ILP solicitor has advised nominet of the problem...

I am also looking for help to try and optimise my position in the search results because as we speak the website has only been online a week....

Can someone help me, as to be honest I am really new to all this...

Thank you.. x
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