Newer Industry of 7+ years not properly categorized?


New Member
Aug 18, 2015
Arden Hills, Minnesota
Hello ODP community,

I am new to the forums but look forward to involvement with the ODP. I currently work for the vaping industry that is becoming popular quite fast.

During the begin of this industry product where mostly exclusive to devices that contained nicotine to replace smoking aka electronic cigarettes.

As the industry has evolved so has the terminology. Most Vapers do not want there product classified as a tobacco product as it does not contain tobacco.

On the same note; vaping is not smoking and should not be categorized as such.

The 3 categories you can find vaping related sites are as follows:

Shopping: Tobacco: Cigarettes: Electronic Cigarettes
Recreation: Tobacco: Electronic Cigarettes
Business: Consumer Goods and Services: Tobacco: Cigarettes: Electronic Cigarettes

These categories all fall under Tobacco which is not taxonomy which this industry would like to fall under.

There is a lot of terminology used in this industry and I understand it might be difficult to reclassify listing.

What can be done to see a change as it regards to category structure? How can I get involved?
Being new to this forum I hope this was the correct place to ask this question.

Your responses are appreciated.

Best Regards,
Mike M


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
Best way to get involved is to apply to be editor in a smallish category in an area that interests you.
Once you are an editor, you can participate actively in the organization of the directory...
Of the three you mention above, the Shopping category attracts a lot of spam, so you'd be better off trying for the Recreation or the Business category to start with.


Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Sep 15, 2004
@grubhubclonescript - Most categories have an "apply to be an editor" link on them, just find a smallish (over zero and under 100 listings) category that interests you and try ;)
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