No acknowledgement after submitting my site


Nov 17, 2007
I just submitted one of my site. But instead of acknowledging my submission the message asked me to make sure if i entered the text in the image correctly or not.

Now what am i suppose to know. I tried this for two times. I am not if i have successfully submitted my site or not. Plz help !

The site's url is <removed>


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
If you didn't get a "Thank you for suggesting your site" message, the site suggestion probably didn't go through. Please try again. There is a bug (I don't think it's been fixed) with the text image box, which means that if you enter the wrong letters and numbers once, try to submit, get an error message and then go back in the browser and enter the correct text, you'll still get the error. You might have to reload the submission page so you get a completely new text box.

Even if the first suggestion should have gone through, a second or even third suggestion of the same URL to the same category on the same day will be automatically filtered out, so don't worry about two or three attempts being seen as spam.
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