No editor in catagory, higher editor needed


Aug 2, 2002
Read the FAQ section on this site to learn about categories with no named editors - all is clearly explained.

You cannot request an editor to review a category - it just will not happen. Reviews happen when editors have the time and inclination to edit a category of their own volition. That could be tomorrow, it might be years down the track, there is no way to predict. The FAQ section should help explain that one too.


Jan 23, 2003
We do not do what you are requesting.

There are more than 200 editors who can edit in any given category -- and they (and they alone) dictate what categories they choose to look at.

We specifically do not look at categories on the basis of a request in this forum. That would be fundamentally unfair.

the answer; you wait, just like everyone else. It may be tomorrow, it may be in two years, but at some point an interested editor may choose to look at that category -- and if you are really lucky, they might even touch your submission while there.


Nov 6, 2004
spectregunner -- Nice pic of tracers; and a great sence of humor 'doing laps in a pool of submissions'.

Sorry about posting here, then. I heard that when there is no editor in a particular catagory, a higher up editor would get review it.

I figured I might ask about getting a higher-up editor to review the catagory. I didn't know I shouldn't ask.

Thank you for your time, and IF you do make it to the area :) , I'd hope that I might get REALLY LUCKY and have my submission accepted. :)

Enjoy the day. and Thank you again.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>There is no specified editor for: ... I am looking to see if a higher up editor can please review the catagory.

The reality is 7 compass points away from where you're looking. In fact, the "higher-up editors" do the vast majority of all listings (probably over 95% of them).

[Aside: this is a significant part of why the ODP works so well at what it does -- the most productive editors, the ones who like it and do it well, are allowed to keep on doing it, instead of being appointed middle managers and project leaders and high school coaches and ... other people who are kept too busy to get anything done.]

When this fundamental principle is being violated -- a named category editor is doing too much of the work -- we restore cosmic equilibrium simply by making him a higher-level editor.

So then, what happens if a category is neglected by higher-up editors? Theoretically, if it is really interesting to surfers, new surfers will becom editors to resolve that imbalance in the cosmos. (And if not, then ... it really doesn't matter anyway, does it?)

So, we're always trolling for a few good editors. Want to edit Activism/Pacifist or Society For Violent Creative Anachronisms? Fine, it frees up the higher-up editors to edit the neglected Shopping/Guns or Literature/French categories. Or vice versa. Or even something they're personally interested in.

[Aside: which is another reason the ODP is so good at what it does: sampling the interests of thousands of editors, and weighting each editor's interest by how hard he's willing to work to advance it, focuses the work on what really matters to surfers in a way unimaginable to people used to the Pharoah-and-pyramid-block-dragger-teams (or Beloved-Leader-and-massed-syncopated-gymnasts) approach.

Oddly enough, spammers do the same thing. Get thousands of website proprietors (each focussing on spamming the spite out of some particular Google search results of interest to them) cooperating, in their own way, without centralized leadership or guidance or management or coordination or even any commonality of interest at all, and what happens? Remember....

They wiped out all the big search engines before Google; and now even many Google results are solid affiliate/anonymous promotional doorway spam -- despite Google's spam-detecting technology that was unimaginable even ten years ago.

Effective social engineering to solve a technical problem, yes. Predictable, manipulable -- no. And that's a benefit, not a problem, so far as the surfers-turned-editors are concerned. (In other words, we're not looking for a solution to it. We'd like it to be even more resistant to malicious manipulation. And, if you think about it, that means even less predictable. Because if you can predict something well enough, and you can have any effect on it at all, then you can begin to manipulate it.


Nov 6, 2004
As always, you are on top of your game and know your stuff. Your answers are always complete, and sometimes very humorous. Thank you for that completness and upbeat attitude.

I was simply reading boards that suggested I contact here to have someone review a catagory from higher up if no one was listed in the specific catagory. In my case:

I figured it might be worthwhile to list here, per those recommendations. A gentle and friendly request for a blank area seemed appropriate.

All the best. Live well. Laugh often.

...and if I'm lucky, perhaps someone will review the section:



Jun 4, 2002
Oh!!! This is a request for a status check? OK. That was the first time that has been made apparent.


You really ought to do this in the status check forum if that's what you were about.


Nov 6, 2004
Sorry, this was just a joke posting at the end. We've been bantering on this for a bit.

The 'status check' URL is:

for catagory:

I was just poking fun... about updating that cat. My most sincere appologies if it wasn't funny for you.

It has been nice chatting. A few years ago, I used to participate and got a few listing posted rather quickly in that catagory. Now there seems to be a bit of a drag. I haven't seen an update for some time.

Long ago, there was someone who was on target and an active participant of this catagory. That was about 2001 or 2002. Since then, there has been no updates (at least, none I've seen since).

Well Hutcheson, I hope the space aliens don't suck out my brains tonight.

Keep strong, all. DMOZ is a great resource for the internet. Amazing to think that such a few editors have such a wieght in the world of serach engines. At the end of a day, you really DO make an impact on the world.

All the best.


Aug 11, 2004
AtlantisArms said:
Amazing to think that such a few editors have such a wieght in the world of serach engines.

You seem to have a slightly warped view of the ODP that I suspect you got from poor resources. There are approx 10,000 editors.
Also, the cat you keep referring to was last edited in Feb, 2005. No where near 2002. Besides, Hutch already fully addressed.

Remember, no matter how many times you say:
"Well, there is always hope that someone will check: "
no effect that will benefit you will occur.


Nov 6, 2004
jjwill said:
You seem to have a slightly warped view of the ODP that I suspect you got from poor resources. There are approx 10,000 editors.

JJWill -- Ahh, depends on perspective. 10,000 is an impressive nubmer and is is quite remarkable (hence my writting) that so few of you (all 10,000) can manage such an amazing resource. Great job. You really do make quite a difference in the quality of searches.

jjwill]Hutch already fully addressed [it said:

Yeap. Hutch is a great resource. He seems to genuinely care and work for this. Always a complete answer. Always upbeat. Good sense of humor. People can look up to someone like him.

jjwill said: you keep referring to was last edited in Feb, 2005.

really? I didn't notice the change to the board. Perhaps I'll check my copy. As mentioned earlier, I used to get more responses years ago in that catagory, and rather quickly. There was someone who really did a load of research for some of the sites. There used to be a few suspicious sites in there. -- and now that I'm interested in getting in the indsutry again -- for myself -- I wrote again for the catagory submission status. Just this time, there was no editor; hence my request for someone to look into it. I was recommened to post if there was no editor in a catagory and request a higher up to look into the matter if some time had elapsed.

Moreover, one of my competitors knows that multiple submissions to DMOZ returns the URL to the 'bottom' of the list. [Hence the advise on this board to NOT submit more than once. Just ask for status updates. But SOmeone in the original thread stated that there were safeguards in place to prevent this from happening (to prevent my listing form going to the 'bottom' of a reveiw list if my competitor re-submitted my URL listing.

jjwill said:
"Well, there is always hope that someone will check: ".

Well, there is always hope. Without hope, life can be disparaging. I trust you can appreciate that.
1 Corinthians 13:13 - ...Faith, hope, charity... but the greatest of these is charity.

Just looking for a little for myself.

Enjoy the moment. Laugh often.
Thank you for your time,


Jan 23, 2003
Moreover, one of my competitors knows that multiple submissions to DMOZ returns the URL to the 'bottom' of the list. [Hence the advise on this board to NOT submit more than once. Just ask for status updates. But SOmeone in the original thread stated that there were safeguards in place to prevent this from happening (to prevent my listing form going to the 'bottom' of a reveiw list if my competitor re-submitted my URL listing.

Correct, but inaccurate. :D :D

While a later submission to the same category almost always (there are no absolutes) overwrites an earlier submission the net effect is unpredictable.

If editors sort by date of submission, then certainly the newer submission will be lower on the heap than the older submission would have been.

If editors use any of the other sorts, then there is little or no impact.

If editors ignore the sort order entirely and edit using other criteria -- such as cherry-picking submissions with correct tigles and strong descriptions, then the resumission is moot (unless it happened to significantly improve the title and description).

I have nine or ten categories (some major, some minor) where I edit. I only sort by date in category that has a huge number of very old submissions and which will probably take "forever' to clean up. The rest, since I know that no submissions are terribly old, tend to get cherry-picked. Others approach the tasks differently.

Hope this clarification helps.


Nov 6, 2004
Thank you. Both you and Hutcheson have well written commentary and compete thoughts. Many people (employees, police, media, kids, and editors) do the 'one-liner' answers that seem to tick a lot of people off in life -- causing much anguish for the rest of us.

Thank you for the eloboration.

You might make a good elected judge... proper reference, clarity in purpose, and a comfortable nature. The world needs more minds like yours.

That was a genuine reply... but it did remind me of a joke: "What is the difference between an asskisser and a brown noser? -- Depth perception."

Live well. Laugh often.

PS: My emphasis on 'completeness' and 'clarity of purpose' comes from long days with employees that are still learning (or not) in life. Dealing with some reasonable people is refreshing. Thank you again.
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