no editor means no listing?


Jul 19, 2007

ive tried about 7 months and 3 months ago to get my website about the azores listed in the category Top: Regional: Europe: Portugal: Azores, by submitting this site to this directory. The site is a qualitive high informive site about the Azores and does meet all guidelines by DMOZ (i dont mention the websites name cause you might think its spam for the forum..) ? Nevertheless the site is not listed and I havenot got a clue when, why or how?

So, i wondered, this directory hasnt got an editor and this might imply that all sugested links will not be listed at all?

Thanks, for any information.

mr. Bes


Nov 7, 2006
There are roughly over 600,000 categories, and roughly over 7,000 editors, so there's not going to be a named resident editor for each category, but there are 200-300 editors who can edit in all categories, and there are many editors in higher categories who edit in everything beneath them.

Sort of like a pyramid. If they're named at the top of the pyramid, they can edit in all parts of the pyramid, and we have many, many pyramids (editing permission wise).

Nevertheless the site is not listed and I havenot got a clue when, why or how?

And you never will, until it's actually listed. We're not a listing service, we just allow the public to suggest sites to us for consideration. Some sites we want, and others we don't want, there are no guarantees and no site has a right to be listed.

7 months isn't a long time, as we get hundreds of thousands of suggestions, and there are many other jobs that an editor has to do in the Directory besides reviewing site suggestions, :).
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