No editor-no listing?

Thrilled to see a forum devoted to ODP issues. Here's mine...

I submitted my URL,, to ODP on 11/01/01, category Business: Consulting: Research Services: A. I waited patiently for my listing to appear but nothing. I resubmitted on 02/01/02 and still nothing. Now, this category does not have an editor so the other day I went
up the chain in the category and found an editor to direct my questions to but I have not received a reply.

So, I am writing to the forum in the hope that an editor will look at the URL, the description I submitted and the category I am applying to and tell me if there are any issues or areas of concern that are preventing 78.ZPM's inclusion in the directory.

Thanks in advance for your consideration and help in this matter.

Apeuro you ROCK! Thank you so much!

However, I clicked on the link to the category but the URL doesn't appear yet. Is there a lag time?


It's showing up on the editing side, but not the public side yet. Check back later tonight or tomorrow to see if it's visible.


Mar 1, 2002
Your site is now visible on the public side. /images/icons/smile.gif
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.