No editor to contact in my subdirectory


Oct 9, 2006

So I'm a photographer. A few years ago I submitted an outdoor sports photography site to DMOZ and there was a category editor who helped me refine my site so it met the guidelines. He was very nice and he eventually helped me get my site listed. I have a wedding photography site that I have submitted to the Colorado wedding photography category, and there's not editor to that category. I submitted it six months ago and still nothing. Is there any way I can contact someone at DMOZ to see if I have broken any rules or anything with my site? It's a pretty high-end wedding photography site, and I just want to figure out if I need to do something else to get listed.



Jan 23, 2003
the short answer is no. Generallt, we recommend that one make a site suggestion and then let nature take its course.

Considier yourself fortunate that an editor was willing to spend the time they did in the past -- that is not the way things normally work.

Our FAQs give a lot mroe information.


Oct 9, 2006
Aaaah, that might explain it. I thought a separate domain name was enough to qualify it as a separate business. The sites have unique content, unique designs and are aimed at different clientelle. If I can only have one photo site up, I'd definitely have the wedding site in the wedding photography/colorado directory and the sports site not in DMOZ or in some other regional category. Is there a way to swap things around? And if I suggest the wedding site to that regional subcategory, will I be penalized for submitting it multiple times?

Definitely not trying to be a pain, and sorry if I am. Just trying to figure this whole process out since these businesses are my livelihood.

Thanks for the insight!



May 6, 2004
Hello Nathan,

We do not penalize someone for submitting to a couple of different categories when one is topical and one is regional (a good share of business sites can be listed in both). I have gone ahead and sent a copy of the submission waiting in Weddings and Events to the Regional cat for Estes Park.

I was just in Estes Park 2 weeks ago. I was in Denver for a school and we played hookie and went up to the Rocky Mountain National Park. I was suprised to see elk running loose by the boat launch / picnic area on the east side of town - got a lot of really good close-ups!

I envy you for living in such a beautiful town. I can see what inspires you to be a photographer. The mountains are truly spectacular! (I tried to get my wife to let us move to Colorado - but she won't let me :( )


Oct 9, 2006

So... Is there anything I can do here? After I posted this first message my site showed up in Colorado wedding photographers (which was perfect!) Then my site stopped showing up in Colorado wedding photogs and was in Estes Park businesses and services. Now my site isn't listed any more at all!

Anyway, my two sites, although they are both photography-related, are separate and unique sites with separate and unique content. It'd be like me owning a company that makes board games and a company that makes action figures... Both 'toys' but totally different and unique. What's more important, the clientelle from the editoral business think wedding photographers are idiots, and the clientelle from wedding world think editorial photographers are idiots. So the clientelle are completely separate too, and to combine the sites is bad professional move. Basically even the visitors want the sites to be separate.

So if there's anything I can do to get the wedding site in the wedding cat, I'll do it immediately. Suggestions?

Thanks again!


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>It'd be like me owning a company that makes board games and a company that makes action figures.

No. It's. Not. It's not in any way like you having anything to do with even one company, let alone two. It is much much more like you offering your skills as faucet-washer-repairer on one site, and you offering your skills as commode-valve-replacer on another site. They are all plumbing skills, and if you added a domain advertising your electrical-outlet-installing services, and another domain that offered heavy welding services -- it would all be (from our point of view) one site about one subject and one subject alone: "what you'd do for money."

Which is a legitimate subject, no doubt. But it's nothing like one company owning employing hundreds or thousands of people in separate factories designing and/or manufacturing, say, farm equipment and light assault watercraft, or both minicomputers and mortar rounds. Far less is it like two companies.

>So if there's anything I can do to get the wedding site in the wedding cat, I'll do it immediately. Suggestions?

There's nothing you need to do; it's editor's work at this point. (And that's done at the editor's convenience and priorities.)

I don't think there's anything inappropriate in a site having a listing in Colorado Photographers (or some niche subcategory thereof) and a separate listing in Estes Park (and therefore nothing inappropriate in suggesting to both.) But beyond that, there's nothing you can do to help us. Well, nothing other than making sure the editor is not confused and delayed by multiple disjoint websites: you should make sure that there's no confusion as to the relationship between all of your domains -- anyone arriving at any one of them should be able to tell immediately what the other domains are, and that they all offer professional services from the same person.


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Now my site isn't listed any more at all!
Note that at the moment, the entire site is a static, cached copy of the directory -- there are some technical problems at the moment. So if your site was very recently listed and you can't see it now, it could be because of that. If so, it is temporary.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.