No Feedback, No Listing Since 2001


Jul 16, 2007
Hello DMOZ editors,
We've submitted out site since 2001, about 2-3 times a year, no more than that to avoid spam, but never seem to get our site listed, and never received a reply from DMOZ.

I noticed this section has not been updated for awhile and it says "volunteer to edit this category"

Is there no editor managing this directory? Please let me how we can get listed here. We're an online store that features muscle car and hot rod apparel and this looks to be the best category for us to be listed in. Would you be able to check our website and let us know where we should be listed?

Thank you for your help.


Jan 23, 2003
Here are some generic answers:

  • There are more than 200 editors who can and do edit in categories where there is no named editors.
  • The wait time for reviews in shopping has generally been quite long. Not the most fun place to edit.
  • If you have not suggested your site since we recovered from the server crash this spring, feel free to do so again. We won't stamp your forehead with the dreaded "S" for spammer.
  • We don't do feedback, so the fact that you did not receive any is, well, perfectly normal.


Jul 16, 2007
thanks for your reply

Hey, I did not know about the server crash. I can't remember exactly when this year I submitted our site but it could have been around April or May. I didn't keep an exact record. If I do go ahead and submit it today, you think that will be ok?

We've been around for about 7 years -- now and then, I check DMOZ every so often to see if we're listed but can't seem to get anywhere. I've heard from one of our web programmers we work with that an editor can just decide not to list us because he/she doesn't feel like it and he suggested we try to pay for a listing or donate money to DMOZ. Is that normal?

I know we can pay for a listing in yahoo but I thought DMOZ was more of a free listing. In any case, the web has really become competitive, it wasn't really like that when we started, but now I feel like I need to try harder :D

Thanks again for your help.


Oct 29, 2006
when this year I submitted our site but it could have been around April or May. I didn't keep an exact record. If I do go ahead and submit it today, you think that will be ok?
That is post the crash, so it's more likely that it just hasn't been reviewed yet. That said resuggesting once more should be OK (I'd leave it 6 months from when you suggested it last), just don't bother after that (unless we have another data crash).
I've heard from one of our web programmers we work with that an editor can just decide not to list us because he/she doesn't feel like it and he suggested we try to pay for a listing or donate money to DMOZ. Is that normal?
Get an honest web programmer. Even insinuating you are prepared to pay (ie bribe) your way into the directory can get you and any sites you have banned permanently. There is no way to donate anything but time to the project.
Paying a dishonest editor (and yes there's always one we haven't caught YET) for a listing is not a part of the projects options, and can get you, your sites, and the editor concerned removed and/or banned.
thought DMOZ was more of a free listing.
It is, although it is not a listing service, any listing that is made for our users is done with no charge of any kind to the site owner.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.