No Joy in addition to the ODP


Jan 14, 2009
South Coast UK
Hello, I have been hoping to get my website in the ODP for the past couple of years, the last time I resubmitted was just over a year ago but still no joy, I had explained here that the category no longer appeared to have an editor unfortunately.
I was then asked to apply to be an editor which I did on a couple of occasions but was turned down, am I left with no other route here?
Thanks for any feedback.
Best regards


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
You might have misunderstood our objectives and how we operate here. ODP is a volunteer organisation building a directory as a hobby. Editors edit where they wish, when they wish and as much as they wish within the constraints of their permissions. We have no schedules or systems to force people to do work that they don't volunteer to do. ODP is not primarily a free listing service for website owners and it does not attempt to process their listing suggestions within the time scales desired by them.

To become an editor, an applicant must demonstrate communication skills, an understanding of the category and integrity. Your final application fell at the second hurdle. You were invited to try again but you don't seem to have done so.

Be aware that a DMOZ listing doesn't significantly increase a website's visibility these days.


Jan 14, 2009
South Coast UK
Editors edit where they wish, when they wish and as much as they wish within the constraints of their permissions.

Hello Jimnoble, I fully understand what you are saying but in my case their are no editors and if there are no edits have been made in years ? I guess my question is now, why are they still allowed to be editors if they are no longer around, surely an ideal system would be to remove these edits after a term of inactivity, maybe 6 months ? 1 year etc ?

To become an editor, an applicant must demonstrate communication skills, an understanding of the category and integrity. Your final application fell at the second hurdle. You were invited to try again but you don't seem to have done so.

I never received anything the second time around regarding failing the application so decided to give up at that point, I may try again in the future.

Be aware that a DMOZ listing doesn't significantly increase a website's visibility these days.

having read around the net the ODP still appears a very useful place to get listed regarding SEO as many other directories still use its results, you also appear to be able to get in many other search engines with a listing here so it does appear to be still worth while etc, its also a directory I have been using and have found very useful for countless years.

Thanks for your time in replying
Best regards
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Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Hello Jimnoble, I fully understand what you are saying but in my case their are no editors and if there are no edits have been made in years ? I guess my question is now, why are they still allowed to be editors if they are no longer around, surely an ideal system would be to remove these edits after a term of inactivity, maybe 6 months ? 1 year etc ?
If an editor is inactive he will be deactivated. But this does not change anything. There is no constraint on the number of editors in a category.
There are always several 100 editors that can edit in each category. If no edits are done in a certain category it just means that none of these eidotrs diceded to do some work in the category. They will have been busy in other categories they thought needed morte attention.

having read around the net the ODP still appears a very useful place to get listed regarding SEO as many other directories still use its results, you also appear to be able to get in many other search engines with a listing here so it does appear to be still worth while etc, its also a directory I have been using and have found very useful for countless years.
Don't believe anything you read on the web. Certainly not in SEO forums. Almost anything they write about DMOZ is wrong.

And please remember. We do not like to accepte people as editor when they are only or mainly interested in listing their own website(s). You should become an editor for the benefit of DMOZ not for your own benefit.


Jan 14, 2009
South Coast UK
And please remember. We do not like to accepte people as editor when they are only or mainly interested in listing their own website(s). You should become an editor for the benefit of DMOZ not for your own benefit.

Hello, if I am to be totally honest part of becoming an editor would be to have my own site listed as there has been no edits made in over a year but I am also a very methodical person and would of spent much of my own time looking after the category I had permission to edit and to make sure it run like clockwork, if your prepared to do something then you just well do it correctly! being an editor of the ODP would also be an honour, the reason I explained I may try again to become an editor in the future and not to try again now is because I have far too much going on in my life so I could not put the time / effort in the ODP deserves etc.
Best regards
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Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
> I have far too much going on in my life so I could not put the time / effort in the ODP deserves etc

So we editors aren't putting in enough effort but you aren't willing to put in any at all :confused-93:.


Jan 14, 2009
South Coast UK
So we editors aren't putting in enough effort but you aren't willing to put in any at all
I am sorry that did not come across as intended. I fully understand we all have busy life`s and when I applied originally I had all the time in the world to help out where I could but now things have become a lot more hectic / stressful my end, I will apply again in the future when things settle down somewhat my end.
Keep up the great work
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