No listing after 18 months


Nov 28, 2003
18 months ago I submitted <url removed> and still we have no listing in google within the search term "architectural photographers" we are the #1 listing on yahoo, but not even in the top 1000 on google.

We are a valid association that the editors have chosen for what ever reason to ignore. Can someone tell me what it is that we have done that would blacklist us?

Thomas Bliss- IAAP


Aug 2, 2002
All your concerns should be addressed by reading through the FAQs on this site. If, after doing so, you are still unsure please ask again. But suffice it to say you are jumping to conclusions and those FAQs will explain why.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
We do not deal with Yahoo or Google search engine placement. SERP perps generally seem to think that Yahoo's search results are easier to artificially manipulate than Google's. If this is true, searchers will consider it a Google feature. But it is not our issue.

The time from first submittal to editor review is not significant or predictable. Since that is true, it isn't tracked.

Also, since that is true, it is invalid to assume (from some arbitrary date) that a site has been reviewed and rejected, let alone "blacklisted".

Since there's no reason to suppose that this particular site has been blacklisted, there's no point on speculating why.

But I certainly have "ignored" the site, so far. (You do not have a right to ask why, just as I would not presume to ask you to justify your use of leisure time or your public service activities.)

I do not have a right to tell you what other editors have done. Of course, I don't know why they did what they did instead of something else, because I don't have a right to ask.

If another editor had rejected the site, that fact is something else we don't give out. But the reason would only have been "inadequate unique content" -- that is (very occasionally) a problem that can be addressed by adding content.


Nov 28, 2003
hutcheson said:
We do not deal with Yahoo or Google search engine placement. SERP perps generally seem to think that Yahoo's search results are easier to artificially manipulate than Google's. If this is true, searchers will consider it a Google feature. But it is not our issue.

The time from first submittal to editor review is not significant or predictable. Since that is true, it isn't tracked.

Also, since that is true, it is invalid to assume (from some arbitrary date) that a site has been reviewed and rejected, let alone "blacklisted".

Since there's no reason to suppose that this particular site has been blacklisted, there's no point on speculating why.

But I certainly have "ignored" the site, so far. (You do not have a right to ask why, just as I would not presume to ask you to justify your use of leisure time or your public service activities.)

I do not have a right to tell you what other editors have done. Of course, I don't know why they did what they did instead of something else, because I don't have a right to ask.

If another editor had rejected the site, that fact is something else we don't give out. But the reason would only have been "inadequate unique content" -- that is (very occasionally) a problem that can be addressed by adding content.

I find your statements just incredible.

If I were entrusted to assist in populating a search engine I would think that to be a pretty significant trust.

This is the problem with the DMOZ editors like yourself, is that you have no sence of responsibility. Lording over others is way to intoxicating. Almost pleasurable. It's evident in your tone.

The statement that yes you have ignored the site is truly just amazing.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>If I were entrusted to assist in populating a search engine I would think that to be a pretty significant trust.

Ah, that's the first source of confusion. Nobody ever entrusted me with populating a search engine, and (so far as I know) you never entrusted me with anything.

I'm responsible to surfers to make sure that everything I do on the Open Directory improves it; also to the Open Directory Project editing community, to make sure that my work there is done to its standards.

Rather obviously (I should have thought) it is not POSSIBLE for me to visit each of those tens of millions of internet sites, and so it's not possible to be responsible to ANYONE for doing that.

I don't know where you get off on the "lording over others" bit, because I'M not the one demanding that YOU account for your activity! It would be pretty arrogant and stupid of me to do so, because I have no power to compel you, and I don't know enough about you to try to convince to you do anything.

If there is really something in the post you find "incredible" (that is, impossible to believe), perhaps you could explain why. It all seems obvious to the point of tautological to me.


If I were entrusted to assist in populating a search engine I would think that to be a pretty significant trust.
You aren't, and neither are we. We build our own DIRECTORY, and have no Search Engine aspirations.
The statement that yes you have ignored the site is truly just amazing.
Why? Every person on the planet that didn't visit your site yesterday also ignored it in exactly the same way. You need to read the actual words, not what you want to read into them. Your reasoning implies that 'ignore' requires a conscious decision on a specific object, rather than a choice to do something more important or interesting. I didn't know your site existed - Since I didn't review it yesterday, I also 'ignored' it. I know it exists now, but I won't be acting on that knowledge. Does that mean I'm now ignoring the site as well?
I submitted and still we have no listing in google within the search term "architectural photographers"
Since we have no relationship with Google SEARCH results (only their DIRECTORY listings) why are you asking us, rather than Google itself?


Mar 25, 2002

Leaving all the angry words aside, it can sometimes take many years for a suggestion of a URL to get reviewed in the ODP - it can also be done in minutes.

This neither means that an editor isn't doing their job, nor that you have done anything wrong.


Nov 28, 2003
Another year gone by.

I think is been almost four years now since I submitted my url for the DMOZ.

I re-submitted it again today, perhaps I'll get lucky and actually make it in.

<url removed>

This has been the most frustrating thing I have ever had to contend with.

Thomas Bliss


Jan 23, 2003
This has been the most frustrating thing I have ever had to contend with.

I'm not sure of the source of your frustration.

We never promised to list your site.

We never made a commitment as to when we would look at the listing you suggested to us.

Heck, for all we know it is devoid of contend and has been submitted to the wrong place. The point is that we do not know. All we have committed to is that we will look at your suggestion when we look at your suggestion. It does not good for you to get angry -- instead, focus your attention on the things that you can control:

-- adding rich, unique content
-- making sure that your site can be easily navigated
-- submit to the appropriate search engines

Those are things that everyone should do.

An ODP listing is not the end all that os many people think. And the lack of an ODP listing is not the end of the work.

Control what you can control, and don't worry about the rest.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
If you find it frustrating to try to help us build an internet directory -- then don't. Just don't help at all. You aren't responsible to us, and we didn't require your help.

No reasonable person will ever criticize you for not contributing to society in any particular way. All reasonable people will allow each person to decide for himself, which of the many calls for help to focus his own effort on. There are too many good things to do in the world, to obsess over cooperating with a group doing something so different from the way you'd want it done.
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