No ODP results found?


Sep 6, 2004
I submitted our site quite a few months ago and since then we have moved our site from Yahoo Stores to a new server and completely redesigned it. I have 2 questions:

1- Since it is on a completely new server and a total redesign, should I resubmit it or not? The domain name is the same.

2- When I search for our URL on the ODP directory, it tells me that "No Open Directory Project results found." What does that mean? DOes it mean that there is no record of my submission a few months ago or what?

thanks in advance,



Curlie Admin
RZ Admin
Jun 9, 2010
[Right here]

I think that your best option is to ask for the status of your submission somewhere here, make sure to read the guidelines and include a clickable link to the category where you submitted.

When you use the search feature on the DMOZ website, it only searches sites that are currently listed in the directory, not sites that are awaiting review. Thats why I recommend asking for a submission status in the correct forum before you resubmit your site.


Mar 15, 2004
swapx said:
I submitted our site quite a few months ago and since then we have moved our site from Yahoo Stores to a new server and completely redesigned it. I have 2 questions:

1- Since it is on a completely new server and a total redesign, should I resubmit it or not? The domain name is the same.

If the domain was simply redirecting to where your store is located (ie www.mydomain.tld => www.hostprovider.tld/mystorename/) then the reviwer will use whatever the actual domain is. If you moved from a redirect to actualy direct hosting of the domain name then that's what will be used. In either case, the site will be reviewed as the editor sees it. If it has already been reviewed you can request an uopdate using the link at the top of it's category page and following the instructions there. If it does not appear in the category you submitted, you may request a submission status check in the appropriate forum here at RZ. If it is awaiting review, it will be your latest incarnation that is reviewed.

swapx said:
2- When I search for our URL on the ODP directory, it tells me that "No Open Directory Project results found." What does that mean? DOes it mean that there is no record of my submission a few months ago or what?

ODP's Search engine can be difficult at times. If you know where you submtted you are better off looking directly in the cat, or using an external search engine to sweep ODP.
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