No Region Category To Submit To



My problem is this : On looking for the appropriate directory location for our self-catering holiday cottage website, the solution seems to be to place the submission in its appropriate county region which should be listed here:
As can be seen their is no category for West Yorkshire. I cannot find any means of contacting the editor of this directory, hence I've posted here. I would appreciate any help with this, as without it I don't think i will get anywhere with the submission. Many thanks.

Well we aren't :crazy:

That aside the category contains no actual sub categories or sites, but rather links to those counties which have self catering sub categories.

If you click on North Yorkshire you are taken to .

West Yorkshire does not have the self catering sub category, and consequently is not linked fronm the category you mentioned.

Once any of the localities in the county has sufficient self catering sites, a self catering sub category will be created in the locality, thus neccessitating the county category for linking purposes. At that time the county category will be linked from the England/.../By County category.

To speed this up please feel free to submit any other self catering sites you are aware of to the Locality they are physically located in.



Aug 13, 2003
If you are just advertising one cottage (rather than lots of cottages over a county) then your site would be listed at the local level anyway. Take a look at . Is your cottage in any of the places listed? If so, then submit to that category.

If your cottage is in a place too small for its own category, you could submit to .


Thanks for your help! I can now submit :monacle:.
What a great forum.


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
Despite what Bradford Metropolitan Council and the University of Bradford tell me (I'm a student there :) ), West Yorkshire tends not to attract tourists and so the tourist categories aren't so big. We simply haven't had enough sites submitted or found to warrant any Self Catering subcategories in that area, which is why you couldn't find any :).

North Yorkshire, on the other hand, has two national parks and cities like York which attract a lot of tourists, hence the larger Travel and Tourism categories and the fact that Self Catering categories are provided - more sites have been submitted so we have sufficient numbers to warrant a category. And I should know - I made almost all of them ;).
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