No search listings for my site or category

I was recently added to the directory. I noticed that the search database was updated on Dec. 3, but I still can't find my site in a search. It doesn't list the category either. Can you tell me if this is due to some of the technical problems that you've been experiencing lately or if it just takes a while for the search update, or something? I'm listed in: regional, us, texas, metro areas, houston, business and economy. Thank you. index.html


Aug 2, 2002
I still get "Search database last updated on: Sat Sep 28 00:54:00 PDT 2002".

When searching, before I posted the message, I saw the search update as of Dec 3... Go figure. I'm sure that I'm not mistaken. Could it be that some fix was rolled back or that there was a bug? Anyhow, it now shows Sep. 28th. Too bad, because I was a little exited about it.
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