No update for over a year......


Jun 7, 2006
I've have tried my best to get our website listed into DMOZ for well over a year now. The category describes exactly what we do without a shadow of a doubt. I have left gaps between submissions of at least 2 months and in the first case over 6 months.

The website ... has been submitted to Computers:Software:Bar Code.

After the last attempt i noticed the option to apply as an editor was available. As I know a great deal about this subject I was hoping to make my knowledge available to the DMOZ project and help the current editors who are obviously struggling with all the submissions. My application was declined.

Apart from the current editors not being able to cope with the volume of suggestions is there any other reason for my suggestion not being listed. My suspicions are that a competitor of our company may be an editor and is continually rejecting us.

Any suggestions?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Try to think of suggestions not as something to "cope" with, they're something to use insofar as they happen to be helpful.

I don't understand the "continually rejecting" allusion, unless you're "continually suggesting" -- and in that case your first step is to stop. (One suggestion is enough to be useful; three would be no more helpful.)

There are about 600000 categories and about 6000 active editors; your "competitor" theory is therefore possible -- but you should consider it rather improbable.
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