Non-Uk Company Listed in ODP UK


Aug 9, 2005
Please can you help, there is a Swiss Company listed in the UK ODP showing its self as a (Limited) LTD Company which is obviously false. Their name is the same as my Company name and they are ranked higher in Google than us. I think I may be losing business, can anybody help? Are they allowed to do this?


Apr 4, 2005
We have no control over how Google use ODP data when deciding the placement in search results, but obviously if this listing is misplaced, we want to address the quality issue in the ODP.

Are you registered as a limited company? If not - check the company registration at Companies House - if they own it, nothing you can do.

If you are the registered owner of the limited company, I would suggest you submit an update URL request from the relevant page, providing your Company number and pointing to this thread.


Aug 9, 2005
Non UK Company Listing

Thank you for your your speedy response.

Are you registered as a limited company? Yes I am and the registered owner.

Please could you point me in the right direction to submit a URL update as this is new to me. Thank you.


Apr 4, 2005
If you navigate to the Dmoz directory page where the listing appears, there is a link in the menu along the top right of the page, update listing. Just click this link.

You may also want to email Google support advising them of the situation, as they are totally separate from the ODP.


Who owns the Ltd company is irrelevant, we list web sites.

If the site you believe to be incorrectly titled in the ODP does not claim to be a Ltd company on the site, the Title needs fixing, not the url changing or removing.

If it does claim to be so, and you own the Ltd Company name, you should persue your own legal avenues to have the site shut down. That's not part of our job.

To submit an update request, go to the category the site is listed in, and use the 'update url' link on the top right of the page. Follow the instructions. Note we will not change a working url without proof on the site that the url is being changed. However if the existing Title or Description contain factual errors, we will fix any such errors found.

In addition the there is no seperate UK ODP, the categories are a part of the Regional branch, and contain sites for, tageted at, and about, the UK, not just UK companies. There is not necessarily anything wrong with a Swiss company having a site listed within the UK branch.


Aug 9, 2005
Non UK Company Listing

Thank you for your reply,

gimmster said:
Who owns the Ltd company is irrelevant, we list web sites.

If the site you believe to be incorrectly titled in the ODP does not claim to be a Ltd company on the site, the Title needs fixing, not the url changing or removing. They are not claiming to be a limited company within their website, but within the ODP llisting their company name has LTD after it, which is incorrect, do you agree?
If it does claim to be so, and you own the Ltd Company name, you should persue your own legal avenues to have the site shut down. That's not part of our job. There is no need for me to do this as aforementioned, it is just shown as LTD in ODP Heading.

To submit an update request, go to the category the site is listed in, and use the 'update url' link on the top right of the page. Follow the instructions. Note we will not change a working url without proof on the site that the url is being changed. However if the existing Title or Description contain factual errors, we will fix any such errors found. It is only the title with LTD that is the error
In addition the there is no seperate UK ODP, the categories are a part of the Regional branch, and contain sites for, tageted at, and about, the UK, not just UK companies. There is not necessarily anything wrong with a Swiss company having a site listed within the UK branch.
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