Not becoming an editor



Having been impressed with the whole dmoz project I decided to try to become and editor. The process seems very straight forward so I applied. Initially to
I received the usual rejection letter with the added comments that I should have put 3 urls not 2. Even though the application form says 2 is ok. Never mind, I will redo the application with 3. I did. It got rejected but this time for the probably correct reason that the category was too large. Same application details I might add and with the added comments on return that dmoz would like me to be an editor but basically choose a smaller category.
Never mind I will apply to another category but there isn't anything around 50 entries under wandsworth. Which is a shame as I wanted to edit something locally to me.
So i applied again to
it has around 67 entries. This seems a perfectly valid application and I use very similar style application with 3 completely new and interesting URL's and 2 days later I am rejected with the usual auto-reply message.
Having wanted to apply to be an editor I am not sure the application process is worth the trouble. I unfortunately will not be applying again. I can't take the rejection. lol I have to ask the question that if I can't become an editor god knows how many people cannot make it and will also be put off by the seemingly clubish rules that apply. I don't think either wandsworth or sports are subjects that can be used in a commercial way and be abused. Unless adding a rowing club into the listings is too controversial.
I applied as Scoob and as scoobontour. I wish you all the best.


Mar 19, 2003
Erm, I see five subcategories of Wandsworth with between five and thirteen entries. Why don't you apply for one of those, do a little editing to learn the ropes and then apply up for the Wandsworth category overall? 141 sites is a little large for a new editor.

Lots of new editors apply successfully for their second category within a couple of weeks of starting out - you just have to start small.

<img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


I am not disagreeing with you. In fact in reflection as I mentioned in my email I think Wandsworth is too big. I was specifically told in a email reply I should find a category for around 50 entries. I did, and got refused. Of course I suspect that the person reviewing my wandsworth application was not the same person as reviewing my sports application. Considering the times the emails were sent to me and delay in response. Do people actually talk to one another about applications? I suspect there is not the time to do that, and I understand the applications are deleted anyway so there is no past history to reflect on.


Mar 19, 2003
Ah sorry, misunderstood your phrasing.

If I were you, I'd reapply for one of the really small categories under Wandsworth with three new URLs. Make sure the title is the real title of the business or else the title of the website with no added keywords. Make sure the description is objective and concise. Describe in one sentence what the business or website is about. Describe in a second sentence what features the site has.

Once you're in, you spend some time cleaning up the titles and descriptions of the listed sites, review any sites currently waiting for review and then get a more experienced editor to check over what you've done. If you've done a good job then that'd be a good time to apply up for the overall Wandsworth category.

Loads of editors don't get in first time and get in when they reapply - don't be discouraged. <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />


Mar 25, 2002
Welcome to the ODP. Check your email. And read everything referenced in that email, especially the pointer to the Guidelines and the section on describing sites, or I'll kill you <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />

P.S. The system is being flakey today so you might experience some problems if you try to log in today.


Thank you all.
Not sure what I have let myself in for, but i suspect it will be interesting if nothing else.
What I didn't mention on my application was in fact I am already dead. You are actually all dreaming this. lol


I read this posting and thought maybe I should take a moment and submit my 4th application. This time I've picked the smallest (just 1 listing so far) category I could find that I had interest in.

Here's hoping! Wish me luck.

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