Not Listed our website <URL Removed>


Curlie Meta
Mar 25, 2002
Why Not Listed our website <URL Removed> last 4 year. we attempt many times but could not
Interesting. In 2007, you stated that you had suggested your site twice and that you had read the terms and conditions fully. In that thread, you were instructed that you should only suggest a site once, and that "multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites."

I haven't checked anything, so I don't know if you have been mistaken for a spammer or what has happened. But we aren't a listing service, and it can easily take years for someone to take an interest in the category and review all of the suggestions. Just in case that you haven't been mistaken for a spammer, you really should stop suggesting your site.
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