Not Listed


May 6, 2007
<url removed>

We have subbmitted a few time over the last year or two I see your editors hit my site from my stats but it never gets listed. Im a bit confused why its not listed we never get any response as to why it is not listed. It is a valid site with alot of great flooring information.

I also signed up to become a editor in a few cat. but again no responce :eek: This has been over 3-4 months now what gives?


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
We don't (except in exceptional circumstances) contact those who have suggested sites to us to let them know what the outcome of any review was, so you shouldn't be surprised that you haven't heard anything.

If you can be objective, you can find out for yourself if your site is listable by reading out site selection criteria. If it's listable, but hasn't been listed yet, it will be because an editor with the necessary permissions hasn't yet got round to reviewing your site. Waits of a year or more are not uncommon, thanks to the large number of suggestions we receive and the finite amount of volunteer editor time available to review them. (Note tht the aim of the editors is to build a useful directory, and not just to review public suggestions. Public suggestions aren't the only source of potential new sites, and there are also other things that editors need to do to maintain/build the directory besides adding new sites.)

As for your editor application, if you applied before the October crash, unfortunately your application was probably lost, in which case you'll need to apply again. You can check the status of your application in the Becoming an Editor forum here at RZ. Be sure to follow the instructions in the stickied post though.


Jun 30, 2005
As chaos127 pointed out, it's quite possible that your initial application was lost, if it was submitted around the time of our server crash.

Because you mention that
scarylari said:
I also signed up to become a editor in a few cat. but again no responce :eek: This has been over 3-4 months now what gives?
I must add:

Please remember, you can only have one active application at a time and you should wait until you receive a response before applying again.

Just my 2cents.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
During the big crash of October 2006, all outstanding editor applications were lost. The editor application system didn't become available again until February 23, 2007 (as the announcement at the top of every forum confirms) .

There thus can't be any unprocessed editor applications from 3-4 months ago.


May 6, 2007
Thanks For the response I'm OK with the editor part.

I am still dumb founded that you haven't listed my website. Its a flooring store i have submitted it under tile and carpet. After looking at the other listings under these categories i would have to say mine is in the top ten.

I'm sure you guys hear that all the time and really think your doing a great job and all but you over looking listing a website with a lot of great products and content.

I get good raking in the big three but love the concept of human editing please please with a cherry on top list my site in any flooring category. <url removed>

I work hard on this site to bring valid user friendly information and cant for the life of me figure out why its not listed.


Nov 7, 2006
The most likely reason is that no editor has been interested enough to review the site suggestions in that area, or they're editing elsewhere. We have lots of other work to do besides reviewing site suggestions, :) .
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.