Not Listed


New Member
Apr 5, 2011

Can anyone tell me why our site [URL Removed] is not being listed? We submitted a good description many months ago, but it does not seem to be listed still.

Is there any reason for this? I know it's down to the editor, but is there actually anyone moderating the category we selected?



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Can anyone tell me why our site [URL Removed] is not being listed? We submitted a good description many months ago, but it does not seem to be listed still.
There are only two possibilities why a site is not listed
1) it is still waiting review - this is the most plausible reason
2) it is a type of website DMOZ does not want to list and has been rejected - although we request people not to suggest such websites it does happen that they are suggested - you can check yourself if your website is a non listable one

I know it's down to the editor, but is there actually anyone moderating the category we selected?
This is a question that can not be answered by a simpe yes or no due to the way DMOZ operates.
An editor can do as much as he wants, when he wants and where he wants (within his permissions).
If no editor is interested in the topic of a specific category nothing will happen in that category. But a lot will happen in other categories. As DMOZ we are interested in the big picture (the whole directory) not is small parts (categories, single websites). If a category gets worked on it is OK, if a category is not worked on for some time it is also OK. Someday someone (either a current editor or someone we do not know at this moment) will come who is intersted in the subject and activities will be done in a category.


New Member
Apr 18, 2011
There are only two possibilities why a site is not listed
1) it is still waiting review - this is the most plausible reason
2) it is a type of website DMOZ does not want to list and has been rejected - although we request people not to suggest such websites it does happen that they are suggested - you can check yourself if your website is a non listable one

This is a question that can not be answered by a simpe yes or no due to the way DMOZ operates.
An editor can do as much as he wants, when he wants and where he wants (within his permissions).
If no editor is interested in the topic of a specific category nothing will happen in that category. But a lot will happen in other categories. As DMOZ we are interested in the big picture (the whole directory) not is small parts (categories, single websites). If a category gets worked on it is OK, if a category is not worked on for some time it is also OK. Someday someone (either a current editor or someone we do not know at this moment) will come who is intersted in the subject and activities will be done in a category.

Is there a way to find out if an editor is assigned to a category, and is it possible to contact him/her directly? We have a sports racing website and it is not coming up on dmoz. But, it is listed in the other major search engines (yahoo, google, etc) and even some that we don't remember submitting too. Thank you.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> Is there a way to find out if an editor is assigned to a category
As editors are not assigned to categories the answer is No.
One editor can work in one or more categories
Every category can be managed by some 200 editors.

> and is it possible to contact him/her directly?
Even if you did know which editor will manage a category you should not send an email for any prefered actions. We do not want emails from people asking about the website they suggested. Editors are advised not to answer such emails.
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