Not sure if it should have been Adult or General

May 20, 2004

I found myself torn between submiiting in Society/People/Personal_Homepages/E/



The site deals with my sexual views and lifestyle but it is not really Adult in the same way that I discovered that other sites are Adult. It just did not realise how "Adult" these sites are.

I submitted to Adult and now think perhaps I should not have, maybe I was over cautious, I would like to be able to ask the editor to consider if it should be reallocated but I do not know how and I do not want to be a pain or waste a lot of time.

Best Wishes



May 9, 2004
From the Adult guidelines:

Specifically, the following types of site are included in the Adult category:

Adult entertainment such as pornographic or sexually explicit image galleries
Sites which have sexually explicit personal advertisements or message boards
Sites which sell sex toys as a primary focus, or along with other merchandise intended for sale to adults only
Sites, which depict sex acts or sexually aroused people in graphic detail for entertainment purposes, rather than for medical or educational purposes.
Sites that primarily contain sex stories, without substantial literary, artistic, educational, or scientific value.
Sites which have sexually explicit images or text in advertising
Sites whose meta tags contain sexually explicit text, or which imply that the site contains Adult content (such as "naked pictures", "sexy nude photos", or "hot young girls".)
Sites which primarily serve to drive traffic to sites with Adult content, such as links lists or non-sexually explicit "teasers" for Adult sites
Sites, which contain a mixture of adult content (as defined above) and non-adult content.

Does your site fit this?
May 20, 2004
Adult or General

Thanks for your prompt reply

I guess that strictly speaking it is not Aduly by those criteria.

I read the instructions before and thought no it is not Adult; but then thought that it must be as it deals with things of a sexual nature.

I only made the submission recently and I suppose I thought if I put it in the general category and the editor thought I was trying to "slip one by" it would just get junked or if not accepted in Adult when it could go into General.

So I was wondering if the editor could be asked to consider it for General and either put it there or in Adult or in the bin as appropriate.

Best Wishes



When a site is reviewed and is found to be misplaced, it is sent on to the more appropriate category. Adult is no different. So, if it's submitted in the regular directory and the reviewing editor feels it is for Adult, it will be forwarded on. Similarly, if an editor reviewing in the Adult category that should be in the regular directory, it will be sent there for review. A single missubmission is no big deal. (Multiple aggressive inappropriate submissions are another story.)

Submitting to the right category isn't an IQ test we put submitters through; not everyone is a librarian or understands our taxonomy. The closer to the right category the submission is, though, the fewer times it needs to be handled and, generally, the quicker it will get in to the directory. (This assumes a listable site, of course.)
May 20, 2004


Thanks Wrathchild,

That will do for me.

I am glad that it is not that criticial.

Best Wishes

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