not sure if this is the right forum, submission question


Feb 6, 2005
Sorry, I am not sure if this is the right forum to post this question in, but it seemed the most appropriate.

And let me say right now, I am not asking to debate the issue, I am asking because I don't want to waste my or the editor's time by submitting if this kind of site is totally unacceptabe.

What I wanted to know is if "cafepress" stores are ever acceptable in the shopping/t-shirts category. Specifically, I am not talking about, for example, a site with info about dog care that has some t-shirts on the side. I am talking about sites that are only about the t-shirts. I guess the question would be more "can cafepress designs ever be considered content?"

The reason I ask is I have heard conflicting information. I have heard anywhere from "you can get in but you have to be really good" to "your site will be deleted from review the minute they see 'cafepress' and the editor won't even look at your shirt designs". The info on the submission page seems out of date, and the only "cafepress" links I've ever seen in the category are very old. All of which leaves me confused!

Thank you for your time.


Apr 15, 2003
You've got to be outstanding [whatever that might mean] so that means editors will not be in a rush to approve them, since one person's of outstanding might look to me simply awfull.

I.e. There is no outright ban, but it's not likely too many will get listed.

{And we should not get into discussions of why the one's that are listed are there, unless they are dead links}
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