Not sure of category- site to help kids get health insurance...


May 26, 2004
My new site is about:

"Information for children and families unfairly denied health insurance and medical care. Provide resources to help obtain insurance from KidCare, State Children's Health Insurance Programs and private insurance coverage."

I think it belongs in
Society: Issues: Health: Health Policy: Children's Health Insurance Program

But I also give info and assistance to adults that are either uninsured or disputing health insurance companies. I do not offer info on Medicare (65 and over)...It's not a commercial business, but I do have some affiliate links to insurance companies as a resource to my visitors.

It's sort of a personal public service/advocacy to promote change in the current (poor) health care policy laws and guidelines- I am not afffiliated with the government or any insurance or other company. I am a nurse case manager and parent...and "concerned citizen".


Is this the correct category?

Thanks for your help-


Feb 28, 2002
Sorry, finding the most appropriate category for a submission is beyond the scope of these forums. Just submit it where you think it's best. You know your website better than we do. If an editor comes along and thinks it would be better in another location, your submission will be moved.


May 26, 2004
My ODP Post in Google search listings...for


When I went to Google home page to search for my new website,
I entered
and the results
shows a listing ...that links to the message I posted here...

COPY of 3rd listing in google search for

•A Public Forum Sponsored and Moderated by ODP Editors - Not sure ...
... I am a nurse case manager and parent...and "concerned citizen". Website: Is this the correct category? Thanks ... - 38k - May 27, 2004 - similar pages

Clicking on the top line "A Public Forum..."
brought me here to this page,
Not to "" website.

(Not relevant for a search result for

I've seen this happen at other message boards (example Zeal/Looksmart),
but I'm very surprised that ODP allows Google spiders
to include our (personal) questions/messages in Google search result listings.

If I had entered "ODP" and ""
or similiar request, I might not be as surprised...

but entering only "" should not be bringing someone looking for to my post here.

It is a new website, so therfore has few links in, but a personal question from me "for kids" on ODP's boards seems inappropriate to be included/spidered.

I've been told that it's very easy to insert a "do Not spider", robot text file on the board threads to prevent Google from spidering these messages...

Why doesn't ODP do this?

Since I don't want my questions here to be in Google search listings when a visitor is searching for,
I guess I can Not post anymore questions or inquiries here on ODP's boards, that include my website/domain name.


Sep 11, 2003
If a user knew that your domain was to search for it.. why would they be searching for it? Just a thought!


May 26, 2004
? why search for website-links to ODP message boards...

"Why would they be searching for it?"

Answer- I'm not sure if you are asking a question or making a statement...
but I'll try to clarify...

Similiar entries in google search box, not just my domain address
(example- "insureallkids" )
brings my message board post here, in Google's first page results.

On the top of my computer screen I can search through the address bar
(I rarely do) or
by typing address or search terms in a box that says "powered by Google"
which I usually use.

In the past, I personally have found Google box to be more accurate than my address box (MSN).

If someone does not know my domain, various combinations of insure all kids/insureallkids etc. will list my ODP posts (this page). I've tried it.

I don't understand the relevancy (google results)
of me asking a question here,
to a keyword search for insureallkids,, etc.

Said another way, someone searching for "insureallkids"
would probably NOT be looking for questions/answers I posted on a message board thread concerning topic of "Category to submit my site to a search engine to".

I expect they would be searching for my website for information on "insuring all kids, KidCare, children's kid insurance, kid health policy, etc.)

Do you feel that most people posting a question here would
Not mind that there "ODP post" is spidered by Google to be displayed
in search engine listing results? (A little privacy is nice).

I know I would be more comfortable knowing that messages I post
on message boards would only be read by people INTENTIONALLY going to that Board.

Sure the internet is PUBLIC, but I see no reason why ODP and other boards don't insert a "Do Not Spider" robot.txt
to prevent the MB posts from being in the search results...

Again, if the person enters keywords relevant to the posted message it makes a little sense,

but only entering "insureallkids" does not seem relevant enough to have a link to this ODP MB page, as the 3rd, 4th, or 5th Google result.

Who knows what this very long post will NOW do? (LOL).
I may end up with 1000 results linking HERE to this page,
for people searching for
my website name/keyword... I SURE HOPE NOT-

My site is very new, which is part of the problem (limited results in SE's)--

BTW- I never found the "resource zone" where I was supposed to ask the question about categories.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
This is the resource zone. But we don't answer questions about categories. If you want to help us find the right category for a site, thanks! If you want us to review a site but you can't find the right category, do the best you can, and we'll find a better category when we first review it. That system works fine without a forum. We try to keep the forum for things that the ordinary site suggestion process doesn't handle.

As for Google spidering this message board, a lot of questions recur over and over: many people can get the answer to their questions by reading posts about other sites. And we think that's "A Good Thing." We try not to give out personal information about site suggestions, and you ... give out only what you're willing to give out publicly -- which can be as little as "I submitted this site to that category." If the site is accepted, everyone will be able to see what category it's in anyway.


May 26, 2004
Yes I understand how board messgages in SE can be a good thing.

Quote: ..As for Google spidering this message board, a lot of questions recur over and over: many people can get the answer to their questions by reading posts about other sites. And we think that's "A Good Thing." ...END QUOTE

Yes I understand how it can be a good thing- thanks for replying.

I just wish some search engines (Zeal/Looksmart - Not ODP),
would not "edit" and "change my posts" which intentionally misrepresents me and my websites. I have alot to learn about search engines and message boards...and I will surely stay away from Zeal/Looksmart LTD. in the future to prevent the problems I've had with them-

And, I'll just wait to see which category ODP editors choose for my new site--
Hope it's a good one (LOL)-

Thank you -
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