Not sure where to post


Jul 11, 2005
I am a bit confused as to how to submit movie reviews from my website.

Me and my friend have a movie review site. For each movie, we have a movie page that has the basic information (cast, synopsis, time, etc). From there the page links to the reviews - sometimes we both do a review, sometimes only me, sometimes only him.

My confusion stems from if we both do reviews. Do we submit both reviews individually? Or do we submit just the base movie page?

As a more specific example, take the Shrek category: Lets say we both do reviews - do we submit the movie info page to the main category, or do we submit each review to the Reviews subcategory, or do we do something totally else?

Thanks for your help! :)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
We used to deeplink movie review sites much more than we do now, and we are slowly cleaning up what we now regard as excessive deeplinking. So the categories as they exist are not a good guide to what EDITORS do.

And, of course, what deeplink EDITORS list is no guide to what to submit -- for that the submittal policy gives a definitive answer (which pvgool paraphrased for you.)
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