Notification of Denial?

Oct 31, 2008
I have been trying to list with dmoz for over 3 years! I read the guidelines carefully and only submit once ever 2-3months. I NEVER hear anything back; it is actually very annoying and frustrating. I feel that the editor in charge never works! Can I get a no at least?

Who do we contact when we never get an answer back in 3 years? Ridiculous!


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> I read the guidelines carefully and only submit once ever 2-3months.
You must have been reading something else as the DMOZ guidelines as they clearly state "suggest a website only ONCE".

> I NEVER hear anything back;
And you never will. No notification as send. Not when as site is listed and not when it is rejected.

> it is actually very annoying and frustrating.
Why? You did read the guidelines.

> I feel that the editor in charge never works!
There is no editor in charge, they are all volunteers. That means they do something they like to do at a time they want to do the something. Maybe they decide to review suggested websites maybe they don't. Maybe they decide to 'work' in the category you suggested a website in, maybe they don't. Nobody knows. And it is not important as an editor 'job' is not to review suggested websites but to build the directory. We can use the pool of suggested websites to build the directory but we can also decide not to use it.

> Can I get a no at least?
No. ;)

> Who do we contact when we never get an answer back in 3 years?
We don't have such a feature as DMOZ, the editors or our customers do not need such a feature.

> Ridiculous!
Maybe for you but not for us.
Oct 31, 2008
You are being sarcastic and not helpful at all. Why not consider our point of view at all? We don’t hear anything back, so we don’t know if we have been rejected or accepted. In addition to that you also suggest that I only submit once and never again. YOU GUYS ARE A JOKE!


Apr 5, 2004
Sorry you are so angry and disappointed, but it seems you do not understand the nature of the directory.
We are not a listing service for webmasters, so there is no reason for us to provide you with the responses and action you seek.

Volunteer editors spend their time as they wish, within the bounds of the guidelines and their permissions, building and improving the directory in many ways. This includes finding and adding sites from any number of sources, and the suggestions made by people like yourself are simply one place editors can look for sites, if they choose. That's all.

There are many other directories which are listing services, so perhaps you would be better looking to them for the service you want. But thank you for your interest and your suggestion. An editor will find your site and review it at some stage, but nobody can say when that might be. :)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
There's no need to worry about anyone's "point of view." It's really very simple.

The website has mechanisms for things that help build the directory.

Everyone who makes a suggestion that is useful, gets a response -- the response is, a website is added to the directory. But suggestions that aren't useful, don't get useful responses. That seems fair to me: but that's just my point of view, which isn't any more important than anyone else's.

What IS important is: suggestions are handled as efficiently as possible, which means allowing reviewers to focus on the most useful ones, and not wasting resources on responses to useless ones.

Of course, nobody knows ANYTHING about a suggestion until it's been reviewed. So if it hasn't been reviewed, there's nothing useful that can be told. And after it's reviewed, then either there is the public response, or there's no reason to give a response.
Oct 31, 2008
Makrhod, thank you for your professional reply I truly appreciate it. Now only if the other members of your team can meet your level of care.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> and not helpful at all.
And neither were you when you violated DMOZ guidelines.

> Why not consider our point of view at all?
And which point would that be? Is it "why is my website not listed?"
Just read some of the other threads and out FAQ and you will know the answer.

> We don’t hear anything back, so we don’t know if we have been rejected or accepted.
And what would you do if you did know.
If a website is accepted it is listed (you can find out yourslef if a site is listed). No need to suggest it ever again.
If a website is rejected we don't want to list it. Period. We will not list all websites. No need to suggest it again, it will stay unlistable.

> In addition to that you also suggest that I only submit once and never again.
Yes, after the website is suggested it will stay in the pool until it is either approved or rejected. Ofcourse we can not prevent you from suggesting it more than once.
In the best case (suggesting to the same category) you just overwrite the existing suggestion replacing the date it was suggested. If an editor decide to handle suggestions on date order you have just put yourself at the back.
In the worst case (suggesting to several categories) you might be marked as a spammer and you and your websites will be banned. It is not something we do easely but it happens.

Not willing to perform the actions you demand from us does not make us a joke. If you want to promote your website go to some place that is willing to do so. DMOZ is not a tool for webmasters to promote their website. It has never been and probably never will be.
Oct 31, 2008
Awww… I am sorry pvgool, did I touch a nerve? Did I hurt your feelings? Maybe if you were out checking the links instead of writing to me no one would have a need to complain.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Awww… I am sorry pvgool, did I touch a nerve? Did I hurt your feelings? Maybe if you were out checking the links instead of writing to me no one would have a need to complain.

Your earlier posts in this thread betrayed your lack of understanding of what ODP is about - but you've been shown the light now.

Despite that, you still chose to mock and disparage an upstanding member of this community who has put a heck of effort into it - both here and at the editor-face. Editors are volunteers here and allocate their resources and time as they see fit, just as you do yours.

I'm imposing a short forum ban to reinforce that such insulting behaviour won't be tolerated here any more than it would be in your own home or office.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.