Novice needs assistance in getting listed in ODP

Keith in AZ

Aug 12, 2004
Hello and please accept my apologies for this post.

I have tried 3 or 4 times over the past 10-12 months
to get my website ( listed into dmoz to no avail.

I have read everything on how to do it and followed the
instructions to a "T" - but again, nothing.

In the mortgage area, I know there are over 8900 listings,
and I am aware of the competitiveness of this area as
well as many other areas dmoz has and maintains listings for.

What is the secret to getting listed????
Confused in Phoenix :confused:


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The secret is "unique relevant content."

And ... sorry, you don't have it. The site is therefore unlistable. Oh, if you read the guidelines, you can find specific ones that apply to your site, but the fact is, any information anyone wants to find on the subject that you have, they can already find elsewhere.

That's part of what "competitive" means. Another part is, the categories tend to be neglected because -- chances are, few of the suggested sites can really add anything to the directory.

And that's what's driving our decision -- not what the directory can do for you (which, truth to tell, isn't much in such a competitive niche) but what you can do for the surfers (which is nothing.)


Aug 20, 2004
hutcheson said:
The secret is "unique relevant content."
And that's what's driving our decision -- not what the directory can do for you (which, truth to tell, isn't much in such a competitive niche) but what you can do for the surfers (which is nothing.)

LOL don't beat around the bush too much ;) It takes more thought then most people think to be in such a highly competitive market, yet still provide unique and helpful text. Anyway, great forum.
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