Oceana -- site description is out of date and incorrect


Apr 24, 2006
Oceana -- site description is wrong and problematic

DMOZ editors --

Your site decription of my org - Oceana.org -- is wrong. I type in Oceana.org and get: "An oceans advocacy non-profit organization which focuses on water/beach quality, fisheries and fish habitat, and marine sanctuaries."

This desciption is out of date and problematic for us (particularly because Google is suddenly pulling from your description). It should read: Oceana organizes campaigns dedicated to restoring and protecting the world's oceans through policy advocacy, science, law and public education.

We are the leading site for this term and it would be great if you could correct this listing.


Matt Littlejohn


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Here, "wrong" means "conveying information that is not true", it doesn't mean "being insufficiently adulatory" or "having an insufficiently rich collection of keywords."

"Leading" and "dedicated" are pure hype -- that is, convey no meaning whatever.

I'm not sure what "term" the site "leads" -- but whatever it is and whatever it means to you, I can't imagine it mattering to anyone else on earth.

You're using the wrong language (Hypespeak rather than truth.) Please correct the language in your request, and (if it still makes sense) repost.


Apr 24, 2006
Per moderator's request (hutcheson) -- I'm reposting...

DMOZ Editors

The site description for Oceana is out of date and untrue

Your current site description for Oceana is: "An oceans advocacy non-profit organization which focuses on water/beach quality, fisheries and fish habitat, and marine sanctuaries." This is based on the description of an organization -- american oceans campaign -- that merged into our organization over two years ago. It is out of date and untrue. Oceana does not focus on water/beach quality or marine sancturies issues.

You're welcome to visit our site to update (oceana.org). Our current position statement reads: "Oceana organizes campaigns dedicated to restoring and protecting the world's oceans through policy advocacy, science, law and public education." Oceana is an international ocean advocacy group with offices in North America, Europe and South America. We campaign against bottom trawling, dirty fishing, seafood contamination, oil pollution and for sustainable fishing.

I'd appreciate it if DMOZ editors would update the site description as your current description is showing up as our Google description.

P.S. hutcheson, by "leads" I meant that oceana.org is the first site that comes up when you type in "oceana" into google.


Jan 21, 2003
Please browse to the directory(ies) your site is listed in and use the "update listing" link at the top of the page for transmitting your update request.

What Google is using as description is beyond the influence of the ODP.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
This is not the place to suggest an update ("request" really isn't the right word since it implies you're asking for the editor to do something for you. "Suggest" implies you are thinking about ways you can helping the editor create a better directory.

Aside: OK, so the website comes up first in a Google search for a trademark which is not a word but is the website name. This is, um, how shall I say this? "not particularly unusual behavior for Google." I've seen it happen for other trademarks. Google may even do it on purpose. But whether Google's behavior is intentional or not, what is that to you or to me?
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