Hello every one!

I was just wondering if there are search engines on the internet who take exactly the same search results as shown by the search index of ODP. I know every search engine has its own ranking formula but any ways...


Mar 26, 2002
Are you asking if there's search engines that use the ODP description in search results, instead of the description given by the search engine submitter, or in the META tag of the page? Google shows both the ODP description and the description given by the site owner; the regular description (grabbed from the page's META tag) is shown first, and the ODP description, preceded by a light gray "Description:" is given second.

Yes i meant the same. Thanks for the info about GOOGLE. I think simply being in DMOZ helps a lot in ranking of a website. As for GOOGLE, DMOZ may be very important but still it prefers "site ranks", meaning that if a website is simply listed in DMOZ just does not mean that one will get top ranking in GOOGLE.

Can some one give me the approximate time GOOGLE takes before it updates its DMOZ data? one month two....any clue?


Mar 26, 2002
Being in DMOZ in and of itself probably doesn't help PageRank. But since the ODP data is used at a couple hundred sites, being in the ODP will eventually (depending on when downstream sites update) give you a few hundred more places pointing at your page(s). If, before, you only had a few links to your site, this will help your PageRank a great deal; if you already had a hundred or so links to your site, it will help somewhat; if you have thousands of links to your site, it probably won't help at all.

Some people believe that the Google PageRank algorithm gives a greater weight to links from http://dmoz.org/ than from other places, but I haven't seen anything that would confirm this.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>>I was just wondering if there are search engines on the internet who take exactly the same search results as shown by the search index of ODP.

If I understand your question correctly, the answer is NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT! NEVER!

The ODP search index is little more than a COMPLETELY-un-page-ranked-or-relevancy-tested COMPLETELY-random-order search of the ODP SITE, including all of its listings of website titles, descriptions, and URLs. No post-stone-age real search engine would limit itself to no-relevancy-order-whatever and less-than-3-million-pages-listed!

You can, if you wish, put a link to ODP search on your own site; many editors and a few other people have done this. You can, if you're moderately clever, get a great deal of good information starting from ODP search and browsing ODP categories. But it is not and will never be mistaken as an adequate substitution for a search engine.

Every now and then someone gets excited about their alleged high "site rank" in ODP, or tries to figure out how to improve their low rank. It's a waste of time for both reasons mentioned -- there is no rank, sites appear in an order that has NOTHING whatsoever to do with ANYTHING at the site itself, or the frequency or relevancy of ANYTHING in the ODP listing. There are only two ranks for ODP keyword searches: 0="not found" and 1="found".
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