ODP Publish-Susbcribe System


Nov 19, 2004

I'm writing a diploma about publish/subscribe Web Services. Therefor i will do an example application, a publish/subscribe System based on WS-Eventing and WS-Topics.

With that you can subscribe to any ODP directory and/or subdirectory and you will be notified when there are new entries. I'll also use the ODP directory structure for own notifications on that topic.

Please have a look at my system proposal:


With that you can use a client, or talk to the message broker directly via WS-Eventing/WS-Notification

And please answer my following questions:
- is there an odp XMLfeed already available, which notifies about new and deleted entries?
- when there is no change feed available, how often is the downloadable data updated?
- how many urls are usually changed (added, deleted) in about a week
- is there any interest in using such a system

thanx for any hints, input discussion and flames :)

Stefan Lischke


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
is there an odp XMLfeed already available, which notifies about new and deleted entries?
No, there isn't.

when there is no change feed available, how often is the downloadable data updated?
I believe it is supposed to be weekly.

how many urls are usually changed (added, deleted) in about a week
It varies widely and so no really accurate number could be given.
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