ODP responses?


May 26, 2006
I have submitted my site approximately 1 year ago, then again 3 months ago from someone's suggestion. I realize there is probably a huge waiting line to get into the ODP. If rejected do you normally recieve a response? I don't want to be an annoyance and re-submit. I also thought maybe I could become an editor for another topic other than my site content. This way I could contribute and learn what makes a site "professional" enough to make it into the odp. I did recieve a response this time, but I was rejected:( I would love to make it into the directory but I'm not sure how, that's why I'm here:D I would even be happy with a response that my site is terrible(I don't believe it is) but this allows for changes to be made. I believe I have read through all suggestions twice and selected a relevant category. Any tips are highly appreciated:icon_excl


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
bigjerr said:
I have submitted my site approximately 1 year ago, then again 3 months ago from someone's suggestion. I realize there is probably a huge waiting line to get into the ODP. If rejected do you normally recieve a response?
No normaly no mail is send.
bigjerr said:
I don't want to be an annoyance and re-submit.
After two sugegstions there is no nead to suggest it anymore time.
bigjerr said:
I also thought maybe I could become an editor for another topic other than my site content. This way I could contribute and learn what makes a site "professional" enough to make it into the odp. I did recieve a response this time, but I was rejected:(
In the rejection letter was a list of most common mistakes. One or more of these mistakes were made by you in the editor application. Find out which by studying the guidelines and just reapply.
bigjerr said:
I would love to make it into the directory but I'm not sure how, that's why I'm here:D I would even be happy with a response that my site is terrible(I don't believe it is) but this allows for changes to be made. I believe I have read through all suggestions twice and selected a relevant category. Any tips are highly appreciated:icon_excl
After you suggested the site there is nothing more you can do. By looking at the guidelines you can determine yourself if the site is listable or not. It can take quit some time before a suggestion is reviewed (from a few days to a few years). Nothing to worry about.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>I realize there is probably a huge waiting line to get into the ODP.

No, not really. Not at all, from our perspective. There's certainly no "line", and if anyone is "waiting", that's personal emotional responses run amok: it could have nothing to do with ODP editing activity.

There are probably hundreds of thousands of good sites that we'd love to review and list. There are hundreds of sites that have been suggested to us. And, unfortunately for all concerned, these are mostly not the same sites.

What we really have is (1) people that like to find and list good websites, (2) a web where people are constantly adding sites -- a few of which are really good sites, (3) a way where people can help us find sites by "suggesting" them.

And (4), a horde of malicious mendacious search-engine-spamming doorway-site-proprietors.

Without (4), the editors would mainly be limited by duplicative effort -- that is, "getting in each other's way." With (4) (which is the reality we all have to live in), the main limit to editing activity is plowing through the muck to find the valuable matter. And the result is, good sites which spammers try to imitate, get buried in, and delayed by, those imitations. (And spammers imitate many different kinds of sites!)

So don't think, "there's a line somewhere and it's moving slowly." Think "there are a swarm of intellectual parasites, banditti on the information highway, e-plagiarists, economic deadweights on the engine of progress, cancers on human culture -- whose sole purpose in life is to leap in front of me every time I try to get attention from people who might be interested in information only I can provide."

This happens everywhere online: in e-mail, search engines, directories, EVERYWHERE. It has nothing specific to do with the ODP, and indeed the ODP is better than any other major online resource at filtering these out. But ... they are deadweights on EVERYONE: you, me, surfing customers.


May 26, 2006
Thanks for both of your replies. I agree and understand that there must be multitudes of "fakes" and cheating sites trying to act as a legitamate sites. Quality sites are what the ODP is all about after all, so-- I will wait patiently! Also I certainly did not mean any disrespect to any editors, I know you have tremendous responsibility. I, as any website owner definately see and understand all the trash and trickery that people try to pass as websites. Everyone appreciates that fact the ODP only accepts quality sites.
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