Offer to help

I'm not sure if this is the appropriate forum to post this in, or if you guys even need this sort of help, but I'd like to offer my services. I've been debating whether or not to apply as an editor, but I'm not quite sure what category to apply in, so for now, I'd be more than happy to lend a hand in helping clean up categories, checking for deadlinks, redirects, etc. Maybe that will give editors more time to actually review sites. I could care less what category it is, so if this is something that you think might help, then please provide a list of categories that you know need help with and what to look for. If you don't think it's a good idea, that's fine too. Anyway, just a thought. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


May 26, 2002
Links that are completely dead are taken care of by an automated process that runs every three weeks and flags such sites in red text on the editors editing screens. It is just down to the editor to move the sites from public view while researching the new URL, and republishing; or deleting if the entity is now completely gone.

Redirects can be usually be found using various editor tools, but not all editors run these often enough.

Hijacked domains, where a domain name has expired and been bought by some other entity are not always spotted, so this is an area that always requires feedback. If anyone spots a site anywhere in the directory that does not resemble the site listing, then let both the Category (or next above) Editor and either a Meta or Editall know about this by email.

If you want to start somewhere as an editor, then find a small category, anywhere in the directory, and which is at the lowest level (i.e. doesn't have any subcategories) and apply for it. Try to find somewhere outside the spam-attracting areas of Shopping and Business. Choose, perhaps, a hobby or your Town/City in the Regional Tree. Once you have a proven track record of good editing, you can rapidly move to other categories.

Uhh, you CAN apply for a category with subcategories. The general rule-of-thumb is for your category (added together with the subcategories) to be no bigger than 50-100 listed sites.

Ah, ok. I didn't know about the deadlink report tool. I guess I'll just look for a small category and apply. Thanks for the replies.
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