Offering free city guide need help

The best

Nov 26, 2006
I offer free city guide to other sites but cannt list it

:) Hello all, I have just joined this forum and this is my first post + my English
is not the best, so I would appreciate assistance from the forum members.

I registered my site few month ego and up to now it have no sign of it in dmoz . I tried to check and found that they facing technical problems.
are the problems started 3-4 month ago?

for me its critical as we develop open free city guide for all, that can be use by webmasters or site owners to offer cell phone users and web users local or global city guide . the idea is to develop together with partners the city guide which will be free to all. we have great response from mobile companies and web users that found it by searching the web. but without listing here it like you do not exist. we are dedicate to the idea of open content, and we are offering any site to "copy past" our code and build its own city guide. site owners can build specific city guide with one country and one city or more, as they wish.

any idea of what should we do? (I understud that I am not alound to post url but I do not know if its OK to post it not as a link, so to be on the safe side..can I get an answer from Administrator?)


Mar 15, 2004
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