okay...I am an idiot!


Apr 15, 2005
I started a non-profit website called www.stoneadvice.com. I stumbled across a page to submit the site to DMOZ and did so. My webmaster exploded and asked what category did you submit under?...I said..."Doh! I dunno." he was not happy and gave me a lecture that I was going to make his job difficult.

I submitted it...I don't even know if it worked, or if it actually was submitted. I can not remember what category...I was simply surfing. After reading all of this I feel like I am walking in an internet minefield.

Folks, I cut up rocks for a living and simply want to help fellow tradesmen and consumers. I would like your assistance please. This is probably the type of site you folks are looking for...I can think of none like it.

What do I do now?

Mark Lauzon
Stone Cutter

PS...I just searched the categories I think I submitted it under home...my other concern is that I have a horrible internet connection (wireless) and sometimes I get insane packet loss...it may not even have gone through


Apr 15, 2003
Well I'm afraid that in this case we don't know. It could be it's waiting within a category, but we have to check each one, and there are a whole load of places you might have sent it - if you want make a guess at one category then someone will check that one.

If you have no idea, then submit it again, then ask again by replying here a month after resubmitting.

Personally, now the weather's getting better, I'd rather be out learning how to build freestanding stone walls that sitting in front of a computer. :)

No idea how you have time to build considering how many posts you have in various forums.


Apr 15, 2005

Thanks for taking the time to reply...if you would like to see what I build for a living go to my company site at www.stoneworks.cc it is a .mac account site.

Since you took the time to scope my site could you advise on what category it would fall under? I would assume something under home...but it is also geared to stoneworking professionals.

I had the impression if I resubmitted the site it would be banned or some such thing.

PS...I also write for stonebusiness magazine in my spare time LOL



Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
stoneadvice said:
Since you took the time to scope my site could you advise on what category it would fall under? I would assume something under home...but it is also geared to stoneworking professionals.
No we ca not. This would be reviewing the site and that is something we don't do at R-Z.

stoneadvice said:
I had the impression if I resubmitted the site it would be banned or some such thing.
Suggesting the site a second time won't harm you. (this time remember the category ;) )
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.