Once submitted and rejected


Aug 23, 2004
Hi all,

We registered our site http://www.debtconsolidationcare.com to dmoz ( http://dmoz.org/Business/Financial_Services/Financial_Planning/Debt_Consolidation/Debt_Settlement/ category ) some months back.

It was rejected as the site was half done , very bad design and also gave an impression that it was affliated , now we have our own team, toll free number , customer care people , consultants ....

Now should I submit it again? will it be accepted or the bad histiry will ruin my submission?

How should I proceed , Also I will prefer a listing in the following category http://dmoz.org/Business/Financial_Services/Financial_Planning/Debt_Consolidation/ , but it doesnt accept sites.

Please advice how to proceed.

Thanks a lot for your time and looking forward for your suggestions.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
You can always resubmit; you should, however, consider the possibility that in all your changes you retained the fatal flaw (lack of unique content) that is the cause of nearly all site rejections.

If listed, sites are placed where the editor thinks appropriate: you may suggest categories (except where we've specifically said we won't take suggestions) but that is only a suggestion. I don't think it will be an issue here, because I doubt the site will be considered listable anywhere.


Aug 23, 2004
Thanks Hutcheson again ,

consider the possibility that in all your changes you retained the fatal flaw (lack of unique content) that is the cause of nearly all site rejections.

We get close to 30 queries a day from our customers, and we try to answer the general queries using our articles, obviously some articles will be common in theme with any site on the same business but we surely have unique content to offer to our customer.

Please let us know the areas which gives you an impression that our content is not useful for customer or are not unique, now we have a consultant team working to help the customers and most of our customers are satisfied with the information and the service. We are adding close to 3 articles everyday to the site.

Please help me as I do not want to make the mistake, which I made few months back.

Thanks again
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