One of my sites has been dropped

Hi there,
This is my first post.
I submitted a site ( for a client last fall and have recently been dropped.
Did I do something wrong?
Was there something wrong with the site?
If so I will correct it.
Thanks in advance.
David Roper


There isn't any history at all on that URL. Have you changed domain names, or did you submit a more specific URL?


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
Indeed, the URL has no history. This either means that:
1. You've submitted another URL.
2. The URL hasn't been picked up by an editor yet, and is still waiting in the submission queue.

Could you tell us the category that you submitted it to?

Hello again,
I do not keep good records but as I remember it, the site was submitted and accepted as in October 2001.
The category is Business/Industries/Food Related Products/Cooperatives/Wholesalers and Distributors
I submitted again a week ago.
I noticed that the site had been dropped by Google and upon checking found that it was also dropped by ODP.
Again, thank you for all your help.
David Roper

Hmmmm...scratching head...I guess a potato bug got it.

I added it back to that category. One request - under your mission statement, could you please change "it's" to "its". (Doesn't affect your submission, just makes me nervous.)

Thank you so much for your help.
There are potato bugs flying about!
I changed the it's to its.
This is a great forum, grammar and spell checking included!
Thanks again.
David Roper
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.