One site duplicated in the same category



I follow the category
Health > Conditions and Diseases > Digestive Disorders > Intestinal > Hernias
becouse I am a surgeon, and I have noticed that the site
A Hernia Discussion Group -
drive trought a button to the next one
Hernia Discussion Forum -

that is a page of
North Penn Hernia Institute -

I woul like to know if this is possible or if there is a mistake.
This is just for my learning, I would like to edit this category and I like to know the right guidelines in these cases.
PS. In this category there are 3 link ineffective in the last seven days
My best regards


Mar 19, 2003
What you've spotted is something called a doorway - these occasionally get listed in error. In this case, the sites were last edited a few years ago - since then the guidelines have become a lot tighter and many editors a lot more aware of these practices.

Although it is recommended to find three new URLs for a category you're applying to, it's also worthwhile mentioning in your application that you've spotted this - you will gain considerable credit for it.

That also looks like an excellent size and scope category to apply for as your first application - make sure you read well before filling in the form, particularly the bits on how to write titles and descriptions as well as the types of site dmoz does and doesn't include. Good luck! :)


Thanks for your kind words!
Unfortunately I have sent my form on 26/05/03!
(2021e39a4b54c3452f137a605484ade5 this is the registration key and I don't remeber the nickname I have used, it could be Flavio Trombetta or modifichicci)
Now I am waiting for the negative reply!
Yes, I was enthusiastic about ODP, but I didn't know anything about! I didn't know editor guidelines, I didn't know this forum, I was a naif.... I known only about hernias, that is my main interest.
Now I have learn a lot of things, now i can surf with a little competence and I know more things.
So when I'll have the reply, I'll can resend my form with new arguments!
I have also submit a site in this category and I don't like to edit it. Someone else will do it for me.
Thank you again :cool:


May 26, 2002
>> Unfortunately I have sent my form on 26/05/03! <<

I would think that there are very few, if any at all, applications that old still waiting to the reviewed.

I would expect it was either rejected and you never received the email, or some bug in the server upgrade process ate the application. Pleasse confirm that you received and replied to the initial email asking you to reply to confirm you wanted the application to be considered. If you didn't receive that mail, or you didn't reply to it, then no-one would have seen the application.


This is the mail I received:
INSTRUCTIONS - please read and follow carefully.

To complete your application process, please reply to this message.
This will confirm that we have your correct email address.

Do not change the Subject: line -- it contains your registration key.

This is the mail I sent
-------Messaggio originale-------

Da: Open Directory Application
Data: lunedì 26 maggio 2003 21.03.11
Oggetto: opendir - 2021e39a4b54c3452f137a605484ade5

INSTRUCTIONS - please read and follow carefully.

To complete your application process, please reply to this message.
This will confirm that we have your correct email address.

Do not change the Subject: line -- it contains your registration key.

This is the mail I received:
Thanks for applying to become an editor!

You will receive a reply as soon as your application
has been reviewed.

That is all I have.

What have I to do?

Thanks again :confused:


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
There is no request outstanding for that category so presumably your application was rejected. Read the tips in the thread in the Become an Editor forum and try reapplying.
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