one site two languages ... two listings possible?

Jun 23, 2007
Hello DMOZ editors,

I'm very happy bacause I got listed in DMOZ and I appreciate it. I just have some questions because I want to do things in the right way.

My site has two versions because it is translated in English and Spanish. I got the Spanish index listed under the right category: World: Español: Salud: Medicina alternativa. I wonder if it is possible tolist the English version under a similar category? Which one? What I must do? Could this harm my first listing? I want to be right with your rules.

I appreciate your reply,


Oct 29, 2006
I wonder if it is possible tolist the English version under a similar category?
You can suggest the site in the English language category,where it may be listed in addition to the Spanish version.
Which one?
If you look at the category you provided, there is an alternate language link to the English equivalent categoryñol/Salud/Medicina_alternativa/ - Inglés
From there ( ) you will need to work out which category fits the content of your site. Sorry, we don't do that here.
What I must do?
See above.
Could this harm my first listing?
No, unless the original listing was in errror.
Jun 23, 2007
Hello gimmster,thank you,

Then DMOZ it is based on specific URLs and not on website?

gimmster said:
No, unless the original listing was in errror.

What kind of error do you mean ?
Jun 23, 2007
gimmster said:
From there ( ) you will need to work out which category fits the content of your site.

This is another issue. My site is listed in the Spanish category that has a big list outside all other subcategories but English category in DMOZ doesn´t have that list outside. Must my english version fits a subcategory? I ask because it doesn´t. What can I do in that case?


Oct 29, 2006
What kind of error do you mean ?
I mean the site should not have benn listed in either language as it does not comply with our listing guidelines ie the editor that listed it made a mistake.
Must my english version fits a subcategory? I ask because it doesn´t. What can I do in that case?
Since no sites are listed at that level, all the other sites that are like yours must fit a sub category - Suggest it to the most appropriate sub category. Without seeing the site, and from your insistance it covers all Alternative medicine, I'd guess at
YMMV it's not my area of expertise.
Jun 23, 2007
gimmster said:
I mean the site should not have benn listed in either language as it does not comply with our listing guidelines ie the editor that listed it made a mistake.

OK. I have checked the rules and I'm in the right place for Spanish version. Specifically it is said:

Multi-lingual Sites

If a site's content is available in more than one language, the site may be listed in more than one language category. For example, if a site is in English, German, and French, the site may be listed in an English-only category, World/Deutsch, and World/Français. When listing a multi-lingual site,

list the URL for the "doorway" page that provides links to all the language editions; OR
list the language-specific URL only if the doorway links to the individual language editions are not obvious. resolves to a page written in French. On the upper right hand corner there is a link to the English version: may be added to the appropriate category World/Français and to the appropriate category in the English-only part of the directory (e.g. Regional: Europe: France: Government).

gimmster said:
Since no sites are listed at that level, all the other sites that are like yours must fit a sub category - Suggest it to the most appropriate sub category.

At DMOZ, similar categories have different sturctures, for example the one I mentioned in Spanish and English are different. Spanish has a big list at root where they place what doesn´t fit, but English hasn´t that list. I suppose this is dueto difference in editors approach. The problem is that Spanish structures is ok because the biglist is indeed fullof site that doesn´t fit the subcategories. SO I'm obligated to put my side inside a subcategory in the English section despite it doesn't fit in?

Without seeing the site, and from your insistance it covers all Alternative medicine, I'd guess at
YMMV it's not my area of expertise.

Thank you for the try gimmster but it is not a directory.It is focused in only one alternative treatment but is plain informative, not commercial and it was made by patients. So it is not good to put it inside shopping and it doesn't fit anywhere else if I compare what is already listed. Where could I ask advice about it? The editor of that category says he don't answer emails. Any helpis appreciate it.


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
the one I mentioned in Spanish and English are different. Spanish has a big list at root where they place what doesn´t fit, but English hasn´t that list. suppose this is due to difference in editors approach.
It probably as much to do with the difference in the numbers of sites to be categorised in the two languages.

SO I'm obligated to put my side inside a subcategory in the English section despite it doesn't fit in?
Well in some rare cases yes. You're asked to find the best category you can (that accepts suggestions) and suggest your site there. When an editor comes to review your site, they are able to move it to a more appropriate category if they see fit. This happens a lot, so don't worry too much -- as long as the category is a reasonable try, if won't be held against you.

It is focused in only one alternative treatment but is plain informative, not commercial and it was made by patients
From what you've said, I take it there isn't a non-shopping category for that particular treatment then?

I guess you should probably suggest it to Health/Alternative/Resources/ as the closest to the parent category that would hold a category for the treatment if it was to be created. You can help the editor by adding a comment in square brakets at the end of the description like "[I couldn't find a better category for informational sites about X]". If you can find any more informational sites similar to yours, do suggest them too to the same place -- once we have a few sites for a particular topic, the editor might think about creating a category for it.
Jun 23, 2007
chaos127 said:
It probably as much to do with the difference in the numbers of sites to be categorised in the two languages.

Thank you chaos, I completly agree with you. Althought I cannot find the sites listed in Spanish category reflected in the English. Maybe they are too lazy for translating :)

chaos127 said:
This happens a lot, so don't worry too much -- as long as the category is a reasonable try, if won't be held against you.

That is good to hear!

chaos127 said:
From what you've said, I take it there isn't a non-shopping category for that particular treatment then?


chaos127 said:
I guess you should probably suggest it to Health/Alternative/Resources/ as the closest to the parent category that would hold a category for the treatment if it was to be created. You can help the editor by adding a comment in square brakets at the end of the description like "[I couldn't find a better category for informational sites about X]". If you can find any more informational sites similar to yours, do suggest them too to the same place -- once we have a few sites for a particular topic, the editor might think about creating a category for it.

Thank you for the suggestion. I have done another thing. I browse DMOZ from Conditions and Desease, I found the one related with my site and in that category I founded "Alternative Treatments" .. surprisingly that subcategory drive me to an especific subcategory inside Health/Alternative/ so I put it there. It seems it is crosslinking inside DMOZ and I thought it will ba appropiated to put is there. I hope everything is ok and I cross my fingers.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
I have done another thing. I browse DMOZ from Conditions and Desease, I found the one related with my site and in that category I founded "Alternative Treatments" .. surprisingly that subcategory drive me to an especific subcategory inside Health/Alternative/ so I put it there.
That's exactly what I was going to suggest you do. :D
Jun 23, 2007
motsa said:
That's exactly what I was going to suggest you do. :D

Great! If the admins agree with my plan, I suppose evrything is ok and I just must wait ...I hope not too much. ;)

I just would like to thank all the people who help me here in this forum.

If I get in I will let you know

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