One year trying to submit a link with no succees


Oct 6, 2005

I'm a webdeveloper and I've been trying to submit the following sites for almost one year:
Top: Regional: Europe: Spain: Autonomous Communities: Canary Islands: Travel and Tourism

and also
Top: Regional: Europe: Spain: Autonomous Communities: Canary Islands: Business and Economy: Real Estate

I don't know what's going on with this issue, all the listed sites accomplish the standards asked to be listed on dmoz, I have already resubmitted them many times, after complaining I got the answer that editors are volunteers and they have tones of work, then I offered myself two times for becoming an editor and collaborate with the ODP, I've been rejected.

I just wonder what's happening here either the responsible editor for this section is not doing properly his/her tasks, either he/she has an special interest for not to list those sites.

What I'm looking for is just an answer, I want to know why those sites are not listed in order to change them accordingly to dmoz needs.

I don't want to believe all the articles that have been posted lastly regarding the loss of the main principes of DMOZ: free and open.

I thank you your time,

Alex Castellarnau


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
What you ask for is one kind of a suggestion status request. We don't process these requests any longer. Check out the FAQ for our reasons for that. Additionally, the FAQ holds information about processing times of suggestions.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
caste said:
What I'm looking for is just an answer, I want to know why those sites are not listed in order to change them accordingly to dmoz needs.
This is always the wrong attitude. You must build sites for your visitors. Never build sites to be included in DMOZ. If the site is included it is just small bonus.
caste said:
I don't want to believe all the articles that have been posted lastly regarding the loss of the main principes of DMOZ: free and open.
It depends what these articles wrote.
DMOZ is free and open in that you and anyone else can use the content DMOZ produces.
DMOZ is not open for all sites to be listed. It never has and never will be.


Oct 6, 2005
Well, I'm not asking for a suggestion, I'm letting you know that there's something not normal behind this issue, and also trying to let you know a possible not legitimous behaviour on the editor side, as we have experienced before in Lanzarote, Canary Islands.

I'm not going to post here the referred editor's name in order to respect his privacy, if you want more details I can send you a private message.

Lanzarote is a very small island and all the people working on Internet know each other, the old Lanzarote section editor used to promote on dmoz sites developed by him, and also charge money to customers who wanted to improve their listing, what he was actually doing was using dmoz for his own benefit.

I'm 100% sure that my sites suit DMOZ requirements, and you can imagine that after one year trying to submit them I have already read all the available help docs on



Oct 6, 2005
pvgool said:
This is always the wrong attitude. You must build sites for your visitors. Never build sites to be included in DMOZ. If the site is included it is just small bonus.

Well, I'm not going to argue this point as everybody nows what's behind the "small bonus": promotion. And I've ever thought that DMOZ checked that the submited site was in fact for visitors and not for search engines, that's why all this project is about, or isn't it?
Considering it, developing a site thinking on DMOZ main rules instead of automatic search engines rules is developing a site thinking on visitors, so I wouldn't say this is a wrong attitude, I would say that's the right attitude as the developers arrive to some quality standard, directed by DMOZ.

pvgool said:
It depends what these articles wrote.
DMOZ is free and open in that you and anyone else can use the content DMOZ produces.
DMOZ is not open for all sites to be listed. It never has and never will be.
Well, again I think is quite obviuos I'm talking about the articles regarding editors using DMOZ for their own benefit. If you make a search, or just read some Internet related magazines I'm sure you'll find bibliography. I have experienced myself this effects 3 years ago with the listing of

Is it quite clear the relevancy DMOZ is acquiring, and also its effect on website promotion, what makes personal interests to increase instead of decrease. Also web site submitters are at the will of editors, and the way DMOZ is checking and controlling abuses is not good enough. I have seen some projects on regarding web site promotion, where people pays for being listed on DMOZ.




Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
I want to know why those sites are not listed
To answer that question, we'd have to delve into our logs and records to perform a status check. As has already been explained, we no longer do that here.

The most likely situation is that no volunteer has yet volunteered to process your submissions. Editors work as often as they please and where they please within the linits of their permissions. We don't schedule work or try to force somebody to work in a particular area.

If you are convinced that there has been editorial abuse, please make an abuse report giving full details.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
caste said:
Well, I'm not asking for a suggestion, I'm letting you know that there's something not normal behind this issue, and also trying to let you know a possible not legitimous behaviour on the editor side, as we have experienced before in Lanzarote, Canary Islands.
Editors not reviewing sites in the timespan you want is not an issue. But if you have prove of abuse please report it to us. There is a "report abuse/spam" link at the top of the categories in DMOZ.

caste said:
I'm not going to post here the referred editor's name in order to respect his privacy, if you want more details I can send you a private message.

Lanzarote is a very small island and all the people working on Internet know each other, the old Lanzarote section editor used to promote on dmoz sites developed by him, and also charge money to customers who wanted to improve their listing, what he was actually doing was using dmoz for his own benefit.
As this is all from the past I don't see the relation with your sites not being listed yet.

caste said:
I'm 100% sure that my sites suit DMOZ requirements, and you can imagine that after one year trying to submit them I have already read all the available help docs on
If so why are you still asking questions about why your sites are not listed yet.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
caste said:
Is it quite clear the relevancy DMOZ is acquiring, and also its effect on website promotion, what makes personal interests to increase instead of decrease.
DMOZ does not care about website promotion at all. If you only suggest sites with promotion as your intention than please don't. You will be very disappointed about the amount of promotion you will get.

caste said:
I have seen some projects on regarding web site promotion, where people pays for being listed on DMOZ.
No you have seen people telling that they would pay if anyone is willing to accept the payment.
If you ever see someone accepting payment please report them immediately. The editor will be removed immediately. Also the person offering the payment and all his sites will be banned for ever.


Oct 6, 2005
Well Pvgool,

I'm afraid but it seems you have a noticeable lack of comprenssion, I don't use to keep not constructive discussions.

Anyway, thanks for your time ;-)


Oct 6, 2005
jimnoble said:
To answer that question, we'd have to delve into our logs and records to perform a status check. As has already been explained, we no longer do that here.

The most likely situation is that no volunteer has yet volunteered to process your submissions. Editors work as often as they please and where they please within the linits of their permissions. We don't schedule work or try to force somebody to work in a particular area.

If you are convinced that there has been editorial abuse, please make an abuse report giving full details.

Hi Jimnoble I've done so three times during tha last year, and I was answered just once and it was unsuccessful.

As a system administrator can imagine the difficulties on having a look to those log files, then I will try to resubmit the sites again, and see what happens.

Could be possible to let know all the steps to somebody in order to keep an eye on the process?

You see, I have submitted many sites in other categories with no problems, I only have problems with Canary Islands categories, and considering the past I have some reasons to believe that something not usual is happening.




Mar 8, 2004
Possible reasons why the sites might be unlistable include:
  • All three of the travel sites are "related sites". If that is the reason, you could create a spanning site that links to all three of them, and any others you may have created, and that one site could be listed.
  • The sites were suggested to the wrong category. First flow down to the location (the individual island, in this case), and then choose the category. Travel Agents and Real Estate Agents are listed only in their physical location, regardless of their focus.
  • The sites do not contain "unique information". (Examples of things we don't consider "unique information" are copies of tourist brochures, links to multiple listing services, computer translations into English, etc.)
  • The English language links don't work. (Many sites in the Canaries have text in English and Spanish, but the site navigation only works in Spanish.)
If any of the last two were the case in the past, but have been corrected, you may resubmit once to the correct category. If the first is the case, and you create the spanning site, you may submit it, noting in the description that this is replacing the suggestions of the three subsites. If the second is the problem, don't bother resubmitting. It will be taken care of.

This is not a site review. These are just things that frequently happen with suggestions in the categories you have mentioned.

However, the most probable reason that your sites are not listed is:
  • We haven't gotten to them yet.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
caste said:
then I will try to resubmit the sites again, and see what happens.
You have suggested these sites before and done so more than once.

Suggesting a site more than once to the same category will just overwrite the previous suggestion. This will also reset the date the site iis suggested. If an editor is reviewing the sites in date-order (which is only one of several ways to look at suggested sites) you have just moved your site to the back of the queue and will have to wait even longer.

If you suggest a site to several categories it might be seen as spam and could result in a ban on the site, on you and all your sites.

If a site is suggested 3 things can happen:
1) it is accepted in the category you suggested the site
2) it is moved to a category more appropriate for the site
3) it is rejected
We will not tell you about situation 2 and 3.
And most importantly we ca not predict when a site will be reviewed. It could be done right at this moment, or next week, next month, next year or maybe only after 3 years. Noone knows.


Mar 8, 2004
caste said:
... I will try to resubmit the sites again, and see what happens.

:mad: I missed that the first time. If you've suggested the sites more than once to the correct category (or even a nearby category), then do not resubmit the suggestion unless the site has changed.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>Could be possible to let know all the steps to somebody in order to keep an eye on the process?

There is no mechanism for this. The kind of problems this would address are so rare that it's not worth while either to implement such a process, or to execute it.


Oct 6, 2005

Arubin: Thanks for your information, however the sites submitted are quality sites either in design as in content, and right now even not commercial just offering good information about canary islands, that's why I am so upset.

Thanks to everybody, the main objective of starting this thread was to point out a possible problem, hoping to keep the attention of some editors on the hierarchy, as I said I've tried everything, and the problems on getting listed only happens with canary islands category.

I will keep on waiting.

Best regards,



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
caste, I think you'll find (if you do a bit of internet surfing) that "issues about getting listed" are much wider than the Atlantic.

From the surfer standpoint, you could say there are probably a million or three websites that could have been listed, but aren't. And it doesn't really matter how long those websites have been up -- they're eligible for listing from the day of publication.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.