


Thank you for that, Quantify "unique content" Since being removed, we now have contract hire and leasing, car insurance groups, we have added extra content, how can i then now get my site relisted? The site is now more functionable and has more content than before.


Aug 7, 2003
I would suggest re-submitting with a note saying you have added more content. The reviewing editor will have still have discretion over adding your site.

Remember, you must look at it from an unbiased view; one of which a surfer would use. Does your site add enough unique content to the category you are suggesting to?

This you do not need to answer here, but as you are searching for an ODP category to suggest to.


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
We can't normally. Thats exactly why we don't remove listings for this except for some special cases where we can.

In this case, the statement was insufficient unique content which has nothing to do with resubmitting over and over.


There are two posts in this category.If you look for as the subject line. I am being told that one minute i was removed for insuficient content, then the other minute i am being told that its because i supposidly have being submitting 49 times to different categories??? Can someone please give me the definitive answer. Bottom line is that i wish to be re listed...My site has more content now, gets more visits and is also going to be revampt in the next month. So do i go about this, without being deemed as spamming.


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Several things:

1) That is exactly why we ask to keep all everything in one thread, so all information is right at hand when needed.

2) There is no need to send copies of your messages via PM - we are actually reading this forum :)

3) In this case, as mentioned in the other thread, multiple submissions for different URLs were received. Setting up different domains for the same content is something that we maybe could take as a proof. Abnyway you were not told that you would not receive a listing in that thread.

(And btw: "Quote" is meant for quoting someone. Looks a bit strange...)


I give up...... i just want to be relisted where i was before or in the directorys of cars or in the buyers guides category. I am not a spammer and didnt submit to other categories with, What do i do???i did exactly what jswafford said rebsubmit my site stating new content. However i do hold my hands up and admit that that i did submit my site a couple hours before but didnt put new content on there so i did it again. But because i did this i am a spammer?????? Look Here


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
You've already been told that you can resubmit but that there is no guarantee that the reviewing editor won't still deem your site lacking sufficient unique content.

A request: please stop using
tags around your posts --
tags are for when you want to quote specific text that someone else has written, text that you want to reply to; using them around your own messages makes them harder to follow. Thanks.


ok, i submitted my site about 3 days ago which was , and jimnoble rejected it for spamming, that was his offical word, or at least this was how i read it. What do i do now???? resubmit? Sorry about the quotes thing, this is new to me. But i think i have the hang of this now.


also there is now more content than ever before, and indeed when my site was removed. So therfore i believe that i should indeed now be included. or maybe we could let the viewers decide????


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Let me summarise. has been declined on many occasions - mainly because it doesn't provide unique or adequate content.
  • It lists only 10 used car dealers for the whole of the UK. ODP already lists many times that number
  • It lists 7 Land Rover dealers
  • If we ignore individual branches, it lists only 4 Ford dealers for the whole of the UK and you can't buy one in London.
  • It lists only 4 car importers. ODP already has far more than that.
  • As far as I can tell, most of its links are affiliate links and we ignore those when evaluating the worth of a website.[/list:u]It's not a good resource for the surfer and it can't be listed in its current state. That it has been submitted many times is not the reason for it not being listed. It does indicate that you have spammed our directory though and caused a considerable waste of our scarce resources in the process. is a doorway to the above and is in common ownership. It too has been submitted a number of times. is also a doorway of the above and is also in the same ownership. It too has been submitted.

    I'm aware of only one reason why webmasters create doorway pages and then attempt to get them individually listed in various directories and search engines. We advise against such behaviour in our submission guidelines (which you agreed you'd read at least 56 times by my reckoning) and consider such submissions to be abusive.

    "I give up..." Me too.


Please allow me to answer now that we are getting somewhere.

The used car category actually holds over 250 used car dealers as can be shown at.Look Here .Full list from which more are being added all the time.:
If you look at Ford Dealers This will show The uk Franchised Dealers...which there are more than 4??????
Car Import Page....As you may not be aware that car imports are not such a big thing no more, and this category will at some stage change to uk new sourced cars hence not many dealers as this area is grey at the moment.

Affiliate source for customers to do a individual used car search, tescos and esure..reg transfers, new reg, all who opprate this system, however im not going to put them on for nothing am i. yes affiliate links. Who else????? also have a look at This site there whole site is an affiliate one. Yet they are listed with you..arnt they.

Yes, my site needs some more car dealers which i am currently working on, however the feed back i recieve is of good news for the site,and say it is very good and easy to use.
As for the other 2 sites they are braches of the original site, however will look and work different in time. However i am not intereste din those being listed in dmoz, so how they got submitted i dont know.


How come i have no reply from you jimnoble? i noticed that you re looked at my site...what were your thoughts after a closer look? :D


Apr 15, 2003
To Repeat

point 7
This forum is not intended for site analysis or spam accusations. Please avoid discussing any aspect of the site except its submission status. "Rejected and not likely to be accepted anywhere" is a reasonable status.


can you not see that these posts above all contradict each other...


Aug 22, 2003
There's no contradiction, onestop. The part about your site being deleted for having been submitted dozens of times came from your imagination. It's been clearly stated several times now that your site has insufficient unique content for our directory. Submitting the site over and over, like continuing to badger jimnoble about this, is a different issue; it's annoying and doesn't help your case. I suggest you stop both and find some good, constructive ways to promote your site instead.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.