Open Directory application


Aug 9, 2006
Today I received a standard rejection reply to my editor application accompanied with this comment:

Reviewer Comments:

Despite a previous warning, you've failed to declare associated websites yet again. Do not apply again.

I find this comment rude and it makes me very angry, here's why:

1. I last applied in 2006, which was rejected. No comment was attached. I never received a specific warning.
2. I *DID* declare the main websites I am associated with, ones I am involved in on a daily basis.
3. I am "associated" with literally hundreds of websites and have contributed to maybe thousands of websites (including this one). Are you expecting me to list every single website I have ever been involved with in some capacity?
4. Why am I being penalised for websites that you have associated me with? You know I'm associated with it and I've either overlooked it or chosen not to list it.
5. To be told not to apply again is just rude and insulting. Why not just ask me for a more details?

Comment improvement recommendation:

What about Next time provide [more|all] of the websites you're associated with.

I'm so angry that I've received such a rude response.

I will be applying again.

My question is, what is meant by associated websites? What are you expecting?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
> 1. I last applied in 2006, which was rejected. No comment was attached. I never received a specific warning.
Not according to our information. A specific comment about this issue was send on the application you made in 2010.

> 2. I *DID* declare the main websites I am associated with, ones I am involved in on a daily basis.
"main" is not enough when "all" is requested

> 3. I am "associated" with literally hundreds of websites and have contributed to maybe thousands of websites
> (including this one). Are you expecting me to list every single website I have ever been involved with in some
> capacity?
The question on the form is very clear
Sites with which you are associated:
Please give details, including URLs, of any sites that you own or have designed or promoted, either in full or in part. Also, mention whether you have contributed content to any site, and give URLs as appropriate.
So, the answer is: yes, list every website.

> 4. Why am I being penalised for websites that you have associated me with?
> You know I'm associated with it and I've either overlooked it or chosen not to list it.
Because we can not know if it is "overlooked" (which might be acceptabel) or "chose not to list"(which is totaly not acceptable). That is why we ask applicants to be complete in their answers. Overlooking or choosing not to list affilaitions on several attempts is not a good attitude.

> 5. To be told not to apply again is just rude and insulting. Why not just ask me for a more details?
We did on your previous applications. You decided not to provide the requested information.

> I will be applying again.
Which most probably be of no use. It will most probably be rejected and most probably no response will be send.

> My question is, what is meant by associated websites? What are you expecting?
Applicants are requested to read the guidelines before applying. If you would have read the guidelines you would have known. See under "Affiliation Disclosure".


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Normally, we don't discuss in public the reason why an application has been declined but your unwarranted attack requires a response.

If you hadn't attempted to conceal that you owned a website based in the locality category that you requested, your application would have been accepted.

Oversight? I believe that you wanted to become an editor in order to expedite its listing and thought that our knowledge of it would be a stumbling block. As you now know, au contraire. Integrity is paramount here and I'm afraid you've failed to meet our standards.

Frankly, I find it offensive that you thought that we were too stupid to evaluate an application properly.

On a more positive note, the website in question has not been blacklisted.

We wish you well in your future endeavours elsewhere.


Aug 9, 2006
It seems I overlooked the application rejected in 2010, which says:

Incomplete response to "Please give details, including URLs, of any sites that you own or have designed or promoted, either in full or in part. Also, mention whether you have contributed content to any site, and give URLs as appropriate".

We are happy to accept editors who are affiliated with websites, and, in fact, most of our editors have some affiliations. However, to avoid even the appearance of a conflict of interest, we ask that editors be completely upfront about those affiliations when they apply.

Further to this recommendation:

You should use the Affiliation Database to declare your affiliations. You are responsible for ensuring the list of affiliations you have disclosed is complete and current.

However, this website does not appear to exist, it just redirects to the home page. Can you advise further?

I'm not purposely trying to be deceptive and do not appreciate being told not to apply again.

I will be applying again in future, hopefully satisfying the requirements. I obviously did not realise the extent of detail required or else I wouldn't have applied again.


Aug 9, 2006
Normally, we don't discuss in public the reason why an application has been declined but your unwarranted attack requires a response.

If you hadn't attempted to conceal that you owned a website based in the locality category that you requested, your application would have been accepted.

Oversight? I believe that you wanted to become an editor in order to expedite its listing and thought that our knowledge of it would be a stumbling block. As you now know, au contraire. Integrity is paramount here and I'm afraid you've failed to meet our standards.

Frankly, I find it offensive that you thought that we were too stupid to evaluate an application properly.

On a more positive note, the website in question has not been blacklisted.

We wish you well in your future endeavours elsewhere.

I appreciate your response, be it a defensive one.

I didn't deliberately conceal the website, I just don't always associate it with my online entity.

I do not believe for a second you are "too stupid" as I am fully aware of the information available to you.

I've not purposely tried to be deceptive and have tried to be transparent (which is why I've posted here).

I had though what I had submitted was sufficient, but I was clearly mistaken. I see my error and would like to correct that.

I think I was hasty in submitting my application and would appreciate the opportunity to apply again.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
However, this website does not appear to exist, it just redirects to the home page. Can you advise further?
The specific text you quoted is only for editors, not prospective editors.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
I appreciate your response, be it a defensive one.

Nope, it was intended to be a firm, courteous and revealing one.

Let me be very clear. We don't want you here as an editor and applying again is just a waste of your time. If we discover that you've deceptively gained an account here, it will be closed.


Aug 9, 2006
Nope, it was intended to be a firm, courteous and revealing one.

Let me be very clear. We don't want you here as an editor and applying again is just a waste of your time. If we discover that you've deceptively gained an account here, it will be closed.


We will do our best to list web sites in a fair and impartial manner

It seems to me that this now applies to everybody, except myself.

You say I'm not wanted here, yet everywhere I look on DMOZ you're asking for editors.

I'm an upstanding member of my local community as well as various online communities such as Wikipedia.

What is frustrating is that my local community doesn't have an editor and isn't accurately represented, and when I do apply with the intention of contributing to that, I simply get rejected, for life.

I did submit my own website to DMOZ, I did apply to become an editor, I didn't mention the website in the application. I didn't realise but I should have. For that I apologise.

I truly regret not spending more time on the application, it was just a spur of the moment thing.

I didn't think that there would be any harm in trying. I was mistaken.

Cards are down on the table. Could we could move forward?

I wouldn't be here if I didn't think I didn't deserve the opportunity.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
A final rejection is not something personal.
It says nothing about you, your websites or any of your activities.
It just means that we have come to the conclusion that DMOZ and you do not match.
Such situations happen very often in life.
We wish you the best in your other activities.


Aug 9, 2006
A final rejection is not something personal.
It says nothing about you, your websites or any of your activities.
It just means that we have come to the conclusion that DMOZ and you do not match.
Such situations happen very often in life.
We wish you the best in your other activities.

Although I appreciate what you're saying, it does seem to hinge on one thing:

If you hadn't attempted to conceal that you owned a website based in the locality category that you requested, your application would have been accepted.

Now that I understand that issue, I would be happy to declare a current and complete list of affiliations.

Eternally the optimist.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Now that I understand that issue, I would be happy to declare a current and complete list of affiliations.
Unfortunately, you were already given a chance to do that and didn't. We're not talking about jumping through hoops here to list every forum you've ever posted on or every blog you've ever left a comment on (which isn't required, by the way). But you were given the opportunity (twice) to be upfront about your interests in the category you were applying for and you chose not to be. It's a shame you made the choice you did.


Aug 9, 2006
Unfortunately, you were already given a chance to do that and didn't. We're not talking about jumping through hoops here to list every forum you've ever posted on or every blog you've ever left a comment on (which isn't required, by the way). But you were given the opportunity (twice) to be upfront about your interests in the category you were applying for and you chose not to be. It's a shame you made the choice you did.

I understand that and that's not what I'm trying to do here.

I didn't realise I had submitted an application in 2010. If I did, I would have re-read the response and reapplied appropriately. This time I just filled it out on a whim with the best intentions.

What is frustrating is that I didn't go out of my way to conceal anything and I was always quite frankly obvious about my interest in the category.

There was no choice or decision made. What is a shame is that it was interpreted in a bad light.

I'm here to make that right.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
This forum has a standing policy of not discussing specific application. That some specifics have been shared with you up to this point is an exception, but further discussion would just be rehashing what has already been said and would be both pointless and a continuing violation of the policies of this forum.

As such, I'm closing this thread to discourage further discussion. Please don't start a new discussion on the same topic. Thanks.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.