Our Site Has A Variety Of Categories we Would Like It To Be Included In Your Site

Dec 21, 2006
Hello Our Site Has A Variety Of Categories That We Would Like It To Be Listed. In This Moment Its Only Listed On The Category Of Tours And Activities, We Would Like It To Be Listed On The Real Estate Category If Its Posible. Our Site Link Is <url removed> and The Real Estate Link Is <url removed>
Please You Would Help Us Alot.

Thanks... Sincerely Vallarta Source Staff​


Jun 8, 2005
If it's already appropriately listed, (more than likely) a deeplink of that site would not be listed in a spammy category.

Has there been a change to the punctuation rules that I'm unaware of - or are all of your words proper nouns? :rolleyes:


Curlie Meta
Apr 16, 2005
If your site is listed only under one topic when it has more, it may be that the one topic is the only one where you can be listed. As you mention Real Estate, please check the Real Estate Guidelines. If you cannot be listed under Real Estate, you would then only be listed under Tours. A site is usually only listed once under one topic. It is more likely that your site would be moved to a higher category than get listings in two categories.

If you have made more topics since the site was listed, then, when the update url link is available, use it to update the description of the site. An editor will then rereview the site.



Jan 23, 2003
But also beware that we have very little tolerance of real estate sites that pretend to be something else.

I know when I find a real estate site that pretends to be a community forum, or a real estate site that pretends to be a tourism site, or a real estate site that pretends to be an advertising portal I get so distressed that I often hit the delete button instead of hitting hte move button -- then I am so overocme with grief that I find it impossible to go back and correct my error.


Curlie Editor
Dec 26, 2006
I'm easily confused

Eric-the-Bun said:
If your site is listed only under one topic when it has more, it may be that the one topic is the only one where you can be listed. If you cannot be listed under Real Estate, you would then only be listed under Tours. A site is usually only listed once under one topic. It is more likely that your site would be moved to a higher category than get listings in two categories.

Sorry if the answer to this is obvious, but....

I keep reading here that sites typically get listed in one, single category.

Yet when I do a quick DMOZ search for Rick Steves (the travel guy) I see he is listed in seven (7) different places:

Rick Steves http://www.ricksteves.com/

Regional: Europe: Travel and Tourism: Travel Guides (1)
Recreation: Travel: Specialty Travel: Budget (1)
Recreation: Travel: Preparation: Packing (1)
Regional: Europe: Italy: Travel and Tourism: Travel Guides (1)
Regional: Europe: Travel and Tourism: Travel Services: Tour Operators (1)
Regional: North America: United States: Washington: Localities: E: Edmonds: Travel and Tourism (1)
Recreation: Travel: Travelogues: Europe: Ireland (1)

How does this happen when the rules [guideline] say one listing only?
If this is an oversight, will someone work to correct it?

Thanks for helping me understand the unique world of DMOZ.



Oct 29, 2006
rules and guidelines are not the same thing by a long shot.

Guidelines for Real Estate sites however are much more rigid than many other sites due to past mass spamming by the industry - hence their very own page in the guidelines http://dmoz.org/guidelines/regional/realestate.html

I keep reading here that sites typically get listed in one, single category.
They key word is [i[typically[/i]. Editors can multiple list sites/deeplinks if the content is unique and adds value to the category

With very few exceptions* we ask that suggestions are not made to multiple categories, but to the single best category and an editor can decide if the site is worth duplicating into other categories.

*once to the topical (Topical) sub category and once to the physical location of a walk in business(Regional), and to each non-machine translated language the site is has content in (World) where the site meets the branch requirements.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.