Over 3 years and no response: acceptance nor denial


Jul 19, 2005
My company have submited our Caribbean jobs url
http://www.bizzz.com/photoads5/viewads.html in the
"Top: Regional: Caribbean: Business_and_Economy: Employment:" category 3 years ago and have re-sumitted several times since then.

We have not receive any email with the status of these submissions over the years. Our site is very valuable to the Caribbean Employment region. Just ask the thousands of members who have benefited from our service.

Can somone be kind enough to advise us on the status? I did check the status board and did not see our submission listed. I have since re-submitted.

Please have the editor of that Caribbean category give us a reason or some explanation so that we can fix the problem and resubmit if such a problem exists. All we are asking is to work with the system... not trying to be disrepectful in anyway.

We understand that we should check the submission status... and we have been doing so for some time now. However, after such a long time of waiting to no avail... I hope you do understand our position.

BTW, keep up the great service on the DMOZ directory as a whole and for providing this outlet .

Thanks Kindly


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>We understand that we should check the submission status.
>Can somone be kind enough to advise us on the status?

Sorry, but there is no longer a way of checking submittal status. See the forum FAQ for more details.

>We have not receive any email with the status of these submissions over the years.

Editors are free to send e-mail to site submitters who give an e-mail address, but it is extremely unusual (and strongly disrecommended). Editors who have gone ahead in spite of that strong recommendation usually find out pretty quickly why the recommendation is the way it is.

>Please have the editor of that Caribbean category give us a reason or some explanation so that we can fix the problem and resubmit if such a problem exists. All we are asking is to work with the system... not trying to be disrepectful in anyway.

I notice you place a big emphasis on resubmitting. That's not productive, and may even be counterproductive. The system is: one submittal ... possibly a resubmittal after, say, at least six months of elapsed time AND a SUBSTANTIAL amount of additional UNIQUE INFORMATIONAL content has been added.

It is frustrating, I know: I don't like to see ANY listable site get away, and I know the admins share that attitude. But the reality is, submitter feedback has, at best, negligable value for editors for two reasons: (1) the "rejected site" pool is probably the worst place on the web to look for listable sites; and (2) rejected sites simply can't be made listable--or, if they could be made listable, the webmaster is the one who already knows most about what can be done, and the editor knows nothing the webmaster doesn't know better. So your request really isn't reasonable.

And editors are be well-advised to spend as little time as possible doing ANYTHING with REJECTED sites; and instead look ANYWHERE else for potentially good sites that HAVEN'T been reviewed yet. That reality drives all the systems that editors set up (or ask staff to set up for them)

It is entirely possible that all your concerns about rejection are misplaced: your site may not have been reviewed yet: Perhaps it is in a category that is sufficiently well-developed that no editor has recently worked on it; or sufficiently competitive that editors haven't gotten around to reviewing all the relevant sites yet (and your repeated resubmittals will have made it look like your site was just submitted recently, since the software only tracks the latest submittal).
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