Over coming DMOZ Frustration, and spam


May 9, 2006
Человеческим фактором всегда будет проблема, Проблема - всегда то же самое

In an effort to help reduce Dmoz frustration I have posted the following on the evils of auto-submissions and subscription services that promise and deliver nothing and even more nothing then you bargained for.

Of course I will be told I do not know what I am talking about and others will agree with me I am not here to fight with any one. With the help of some Dmoz editors last night I have gotten some good information and I have passed it on in the form of PM’s. I am not going to say who the editors were as there is no reason to drag them into this they did ask me why I deleted my posts and one told me I should cool off. They were very friendly and helpful last night and answered many questions through directly emailing me and I thank them very much I just wish I had been approached a lot earlier. So this is my response to there help and explanations, Editors from this forum will know what parts I was given and the rest I found on three of the mentioned search engines. My faith in Dmoz is partly restored after some very truthful answers last night.

Dmoz Spam Outta control, the truth that 1 out of about 2000 submission are real and the rest are spam submissions. Why manually submitting a site is always better. This even effects applications for editors categories classified as "Spammy"

If nothing else good comes from this thread at least you will know where to manually submit your site. You really only need submit to four search engines most of the others are Meta Search engines they get there listings spidering, and crawling other search engines this is what your not told.

I listed with more then four because there are some site specific engines geared just to the type of site I own.

Dmoz: http://dmoz.org/add.html

Google: http://www.google.com/addurl/?continue=/addurl

Jade B2B: http://submit2.jayde.com/

MSN: http://beta.search.msn.com/docs/submit.aspx

Yahoo: http://search.yahoo.com/info/submit.html

In five to six months you will show up in the engines. Make sure you follow the rules and pay attention to what you’re doing. You will see how other search engines have handled spam.

I used Google’s and MSN’s way to reduce spam and scams on my site to reduce the spam going out to car owners looking to sell there cars. It involved 80 lines of code in a PHP script and adding a few more lines to my submissions form. I still have to figure out a way to kill spammers on the contact us page I did not want to go to a form submission for each email address because it becomes a real pain in the but.

I have read time in time again from post to post, from forum to forum spam and scamming, and reading posts made by editors “SO YOUR SPAMING OUR SITE” while waving a big stick “your site could be band” Oh ok be rest assured if you used an auto submitter, or submission scam site with guaranteed inclusions. You probably are already noted in the “Dmoz Site Side Notes or Site page notes”

Fact is that some Editors are so wound up on spam they are just waiting to get a spammer and do the nasty to them.

After reading some of the Dmoz post in Russian as well they pretty much say the same thing why isn’t my site listed . And every one can not be wrong.

Dmoz editors will tell you they don’t have to use submissions; the reason is very simple the spammers have gotten so good it is hard to tell the difference from a genuine owner submitted site and the spam site / spam scripted test site. So it is easer to push the sites by the way side. The more times a site is submitted the more likely it is to be considered spam.

On top of this some of the PHP email scripts are so blind they cant tell the difference from a submission form for email or a site suggestion form so Dmoz editor’s even get submissions for helpful drugs, toys, and what not’s.

Let’s get to the problem at hand, the human factor. This is really not so much a problem as it is over whelming with spam. I have found scripts that test ‘URL’ submission forms. They test the site and record the results. These scripts exist because developers are writing programs to make submitting your site easier. They do this because if the product fails to provide listings it does not sell and you don’t buy there services.

Some real rude evil submission companies have in house programmers that write, test and update the scripts with people sites unknown to the site owner.

Now here is were it gets really good this came right from the horses mouth this morning after finding a person and talking to them about this. Say you have subscribed to a submissions service, and you have gotten to where you want and you don’t want to use them any more.

They try to make you offers to stay reduce your rate so you stay and you don’t!
This is now your problem they inform you that "your ranks will fall if you do not continue to use them".

This is how your ranks fall with a deceptive company they add your site to there testing department, yes that’s right your now a test site to be used in house to test engines. These are the same companies that mail out millions of spam on a daily basis and you ask how do they get away with this? With the site information you gave them during sign up.

You gave them your name, your admin email and your site name, and after a few tries there in to your mail server sending blind mail using PHP scripts tricking your server in to send out the mail for them at your expense.

You say it can be done! Well do a ‘who is’ on your web site, your server information is on the web and your hosting company puts up a help file on configuring your mail.

This is how people get sucked in; you have a new site it is your responsibility to promote your own site so you search the internet.

You find all kinds of places and products I down loaded 4 last night and all of them have Dmoz as a site for semi-auto-submit three take you to the suggest ‘URL’ page only one took me to the how to page and none of them took me to the correct category.

No I did not use any of these to submit my site! and I would ask that you not do it either. This is just from today’s emails.

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If you are using an auto submitter or a submission company it is spam they submit monthly and let you know there doing it.
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