

Jul 26, 2006
Thread split. Please don't hijack other people's.

Hi Jimnoble,

I am new to the Dmoz forums and from your posts you seem to be very wise in the dmoz ways. I am a little confused as to why my site <url removed> a site that has been listed for more than 5 years can be removed by an editor that runs a similar directory. This individual has falsed his identidy to get a job as a DMOZ editor and added all his sites in and removed his competitions sites, is this a breach of Dmoz conduct or not?

I have tried now for more that 3 months to be reincluded only to be ignored but his sites ciontinue to pop up.

I hope you or someone else can assist me.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
If you had had actual specifications of listable sites that have been removed -- then you'd have evidence of an extremely serious breach of ODP guidelines, and an abuse report with such specifications would be taken very seriously.

Avoid, however, the more flagrant flights of speculation and slander. You don't know who did what, and you don't know why they did it, and suggesting otherwise hurts your credibility. Just give the evidence: the listable sites removed, and list the sites that you believe are owned by the same party.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
You might want to read our submission guidelines and perhaps part of our editor guidelines. If you're still convinced that there's been editorial abuse, please visit the category where you were listed, click on the report abuse/spam link at the top and present your evidence.

We take reported abuse seriously, but this forum is not a good place to handle it.


Jul 26, 2006
Evidence I agree

Thanks Hutcheson and Jim for your quick reply to my problem.

I do have evidence but where this comes from can compromise the source of the evidence, maybe it is another editor that knows this person.

My site <url removed> has been listed since 1999 when I first got notice that this particular gentlemen had been granted the role as editor for this section I knew I would be in for a roller coaster ride with my sites.

I have now logged a formal complaint with DMOZ as I did back in February earlier this year and I was told back then to more or less wait if anything happened to my sites then they would further investigate. Well now it has, my sites removed and his sites <url removed> has been added in everywhere if anyone looks at the history of these two sites that should be all the proof they need.

But I agree with you Jim the forums is not the place i should be discussing this matter I will no consider the matter over in the forums or until Dmoz have finished their investigations.

Thanks Guys for your input.
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