Please advise


Mar 29, 2005
I submitted my website about 3 months ago. Since then the site has grown significantly and undergone a good deal of tweaking. My site had not yet been listed, so I resubmitted. I assumed that since so much time had passed that it had not been accepted. I didn't realize it could take 6 months before review. Have I pushed my site back to the end of the line? Is there any way to find out if it was reviewed and rejected previously? I would appreciate any advice on what I should do from here. Thanks.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
If you want to know the status of your suggestion you should read our forum guidelines (link in my sig) and than post in the correct part of "Site Submission Status".
Don't forget our rule to wait 30 days after you made the last suggestion.

PS There is no need to suggest a site again after you suggested it once (unless you are told to do so by an editor)


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
mtcowgirl said:
I didn't realize it could take 6 months before review. Have I pushed my site back to the end of the line?

Just to make sure there is no confusion here:

  1. Reviews can take anywhere from a couple of days to several years rather than up to 6 months. Many sites in large spammy categories wait considerably longer than 6 months before a volunteer editor gets around to reviewing them.
  2. There isn't a line to be pushed to the back of. There is a pool to float in :) though. Sites are reviewed at random based on the editor choosing to review in a particular category. Yes, some editors choose to review by suggestion date and if by chance one of those is the editor who first works on the particular category in question then your suggestion would sink to the bottom. Many editors review sites completely at random and for those the suggestion date really doesn't mean much.
  3. Follow pvgools advice and you will be able to find out where you stand.

Hope that helps.
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