Please Change Description for <URL removed>


Aug 17, 2004
I really need a description change for our site located in these directories, because the description is comming up incorrectly in Google, which is very annoying:

Our site's description should be this:

"A place where composers and musicians can communicate, share, and collaborate with others on the subjects of music, composition, performance and repertoire."

Or something similar. We run a discussion board, and the demograhpics are young teens, but also older and mature composers as well. We do more than just publish midi files. The current description in these two categories are outdated and reflected our site 10 years ago. But today, the description needs to be updated. Thank you.


Curlie Meta
Curlie Meta
Jun 25, 2004
Massachusetts, USA
Please navigate to the categories where the site is listed and suggest your new description using the "update listing" link found at the top of the page.

An editor will review the suggested change and update if appropriate.


Aug 17, 2004
I need this changed now, rather than 10 weeks. Can this be updated asap through this method? The only reason why we are impatient is because we submitted description changes before, and no one is changing the description. Plus, our Google results show us an unwanted description:

Just type in <keywords> in google, and you will see what I mean. This description is wrong and needs to be changed now.



Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
No, you can't ask for special treatment by posting here. Update requests are usually treated with priority, and if you have submitted several requests for description change it is more likely that re-reviews of the site have shown that the current description is still relevant.

In any case, you can add a tag to your site to force Google not to display the ODP description. It is described in this post.


Jan 23, 2003
I think it is important to reiterate (not just for you, but for all others who read this discussion thread) that the descriptions one provides are simply suggestions. The editor is responsible for making sure that descriptions meet the directory and category guidelines.

When a change is requested by a site owner/webmaster it calls the entire site into review. Editors do not change descriptions for the sake of changing descriptions, and editors do not change descriptions simply because someone does not like the description. The editor looks at the site, looks at the current description and asks the critical question: does the current description meet guidelines and is it accurate?

If the answer to that question is yes, then in all probability, the update request will be decined.

[There is a context here. It is not uncommon for webmasters to believe, somhow, that the description writing process in an interactive one in which they have some sort of approval or valued input, and certainly most experienced editors have run into situation where webmasters have attempted to wordsmith the description with multiple change requests or even attempts to get us to change one perfectly good/accurate word into something they think is somehow better.]

Attempts to keyword stuff descriptions, change descriptions so they talk about the business and not the contents of the website, or add some "marketing" are usually met with disfavor. The descriptions we provide are intended to aid the surfer, not promote the business or the website.


Aug 17, 2004
I understand all of this. The only reason why I need the description changed is because Dmoz is spitting out an incorrect description in Google. I realize that the description is up to the editor, but this doesn't change the fact that our description is still wrong, and it shows in Google. This is why I declared this an "emergency". However, I was not aware of the tag that omits dmoz listings. Thanks.


chopin2256 said:
I understand all of this. The only reason why I need the description changed is because Dmoz is spitting out an incorrect description in Google. I realize that the description is up to the editor, but this doesn't change the fact that our description is still wrong, and it shows in Google. This is why I declared this an "emergency". However, I was not aware of the tag that omits dmoz listings. Thanks.


As Nea said above:

As I have recently learned your problem can be easily fixed. All you have to do is add a noodp tag to your meta data (easily done by web developer about 5 mins time). There is a post on this Here

What this will do, is instruct the Search Engines (Google, and Yahoo) not to use the ODP data. This will give you time to submit an update request for your site, and once an editor can get to it (and presumably changes it), all you have to do is remove the tag and the Search Engines will resume using the ODP Description.

Hope this helps, it seems like your best current option.

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