Please check the status of my submission


Jul 20, 2005
Please can you check the status of my submission.

I submitted my page <URL deleted> to category Shopping/Gift Baskets/Food on 5th July - can you let me know if there is a problem - or how long I need to wait?

Thank you in anticipation.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Sorry, submission status is no longer given.

The other two questions -- whether there's a problem, or how long you need to wait -- aren't answerable. We'll know a site has been reviewed when it's been reviewed.


Mar 22, 2004
So, this has to beg the question..... If I don't know whether my website has or has not been reviewed, then at what point should I consider resubmitting?

Given the absence of any information, I have to believe that the process of serial review of submissions is a misnomer and that sites are reviewed on a random basis. If that is the case, then a simple numbers game with multiple postings should warrant increased probability for success with a DMOZ listing given the increased probability of a random listing review/posting 'hit'!

That said, I've submitted my website twice and await a day when I may see our valued service available through the directory.


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
For the first question, check the FAQ linked at the top left of this forum.

Given the absence of any information, I have to believe that the process of serial review of submissions is a misnomer and that sites are reviewed on a random basis.
Right, and we never said anything different from that.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
a simple numbers game with multiple postings should warrant increased probability for success with a DMOZ listing
That's against our submission guidelines and is more likely to have the opposite effect.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>If I don't know whether my website has or has not been reviewed, then at what point should I consider resubmitting?

>Given the absence of any information, I have to believe that the process of serial review of submissions is a misnomer and that sites are reviewed on a random basis.

This is absolutely correct. There is simply no way of reviewing submittals serially even if an editor were insane enough to want to. Even within a category, I review in a random order.

And this concept is so obvious, I'm amazed that ... you're the first submitter to figure it out.

>If that is the case, then a simple numbers game with multiple postings should warrant increased probability for success with a DMOZ listing given the increased probability of a random listing review/posting 'hit'!

But here you fall off the truck.

The numbers game works, but not the way you imagine.

If you repeatedly submit to one category, the software automatically deletes the duplicates....wasting your time but not ours. And that's OK with us if it's OK with you.

But if you repeatedly submit to DIFFERENT categories, then ... editors don't REVIEW those submittals, they merely move them to the right category for review. For awhile. Pretty quickly they notice you're doing what is called "shotgun spamming". And then you've got a reputation as a rude spammer, and your site enters the "whack-a-mole" zone, where editors try to quickly nuke all but one of the heads.

The emphasis is on "quickly deal with rude spammer", as opposed to "make sure we don't lose a single precious submittal".

And the result is, there's a MUCH higher chance of ALL submittals of that site being accidentally deleted -- or indeed of all submittals related in any way to you being systematically deleted.

By the numbers, the best bet is to submit twice, IMO about six months apart, and before the second submittal to look very very carefully at whether the first submittal was to the right category.

And, you know, that's consistent with the submittal policy, and pretty close to what it explicitly and specifically says.
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