please do not ignore this issue


Nov 20, 2007
This a very serious and specific issue. As required in this forum, i will try to keep it generall and refrain from mentioning any names. It concearns the german dmoz only - but since all of the german editors are ignoring e-mails regarding this subject and there seems to be no german discussion board, nor a person listed as responsible for the german dmoz, this seems to be the only way to adress it.

There is a religious minority that is presently being persecuted by the totalitarian regime of a certain country. Millions of members of this group have been put into forced labor camps, thousands have died. So much is undebated as even the peresecuters basicly admit that, but claim as justification that the persecuted group would have to be wiped out as it would be a dangerous cult, cheating people. Strangely it is only in this totalitarian country that this group is perceived as a thread. But unfortunately some germans are still very quick in de-valueing other people based on certain sterotypes.

So at the begging of this persecution there have been many german sites popping up, agreeing with this oppresive regime, and slandering and demonizing this persecuted group. The biggest of these sites have all been listed on the german dmoz in a way that portrais them as independent and unbiased. That in itself is not the problem, as me and the other members of this group are used to these prejudices and we do not care about what someone claims about us nor do we want those links removed from dmoz as we understand the importance of letting both sides speak.

But here comes the problem, as the german dmoz does not list any site representing our point of view (the point of view i just told you).

On the German Yahoo a site with information by Amnesty International, the UN Human Right's commission and other Human Rights organisations on the persecution is the first AND second site to pop up while sites trying to justify the persecution do not appear after the 10. entry. However, on the german google this site has been replaced with all those site trying to justify the persecution.

This again would not be a problem if it wouldn't have resulted in people ignoring the persecution and starting to hate us without even looking at us.

As mentioned, all of our efforts to contact german dmoz have been ignored. (we tried to contact them for over a year now).


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
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1 Visit the category which has the problem.
2 Click on its report abuse/spam link at top right.
3 Fill out the form with full details.

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Without any details (which are against this forum's TOS) we can't help you here. That's why I'm closing this thread.
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