Please Give me a reason


Dec 2, 2005

Just please explain the policy. Am I doing something wrong or should I do anything more? (I have read FAQ)

I have read some threads here. People wait 6-12 month. Your site documentation says 2 Weeks.

Well, looking on other people my site is very "young". I have submit about 2 month ago. I'm absolutely sure I have choose the right category because it is simple portfolio site of photoartist (me). This is VERY clean and simple site (don't know if I can post a link here so remove * from url: r* which was added on many sites because of useful articles.

I have try to apply to became editor. Because I was thinking, may be editors of this category are to busy, and I have some experience in this area, may be I can help. But no way... the answer was tooo many editors. So, where are they )?

It is not a question about status. It is question about the whole process. May be you can create a report system? Or send a short automated messages for users to avoid such questions.

Thank you,


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
You might have missed the FAQ section which explained that timescales are indeterminate. If website is eligible for listing, the time delay from suggesting the site can range from several hours to several years.

You've done your part by suggesting it. Please concentrate now on other promotional methods and on further enhancing your website. If a listing is going to happen, it'll happen when it happens.

I have try to apply to became editor.... the answer was tooo many editors.
You should read the rest of the email which says words to the effect of or the category is too big.

As to your other suggestions, they've been considered regularly and declined.


Jan 23, 2003
Your site documentation says 2 Weeks.

I believe the documentation says two weeks or longer.

Those additional two words make all the difference in the world.

If there is a place in our documentation where we have missed adding those critical two words, please point it out to us so that we can get it corrected.


Dec 2, 2005
Thank you for reply.

I steel want to suggest a status emails, or accounts which will contain information with status. I really belive this will help to avoid such questions like mine.

I actually steel don't understand why it takes so much time to approve or not (i moderate documents and people on two big resources where I should approve or not and I know it might take 2-3 weeks but not longer), but ok, may be it is not my business.

Anyway, thank you.


Jun 8, 2005
If you read through this forum you'll find plenty of answers to the questions you asked.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
waxattack said:
I actually steel don't understand why it takes so much time to approve or not (i moderate documents and people on two big resources where I should approve or not and I know it might take 2-3 weeks but not longer),

You are still missing the point, but that's ok sometimes it is hard for some to understand. Any site (not to single out one) that is suggested to the editors is part of a small resource that we have available to us to use in listing sites. Those suggestions, although sometimes usefull are not the only source we use and in no way is it the primary source.

For most editors, it is more efficient and easier to locate sites through the other resources than to wade through the *pool* of suggested sites which contain mostly spam, junk sites and miss-submissions. Eventually an editor will run out of other resources and begin looking through this one, there is no predicting when that will happen.

waxattack said:
..may be it is not my business.
Anyway, thank you.

No worries, it isn't my business either. It is my hobby and something I enjoy doing ;)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>I really belive this will help to avoid such questions like mine.

Don't think of editors as "moderators". We aren't. We're site reviewers. And don't think of site suggestions as "listings waiting for moderation." They aren't moderatable. They are only possible sites to review. Especially, don't think of site suggestions as a way of imposing your own priorities on other volunteers: site suggestions have no higher priority than any other source of possible sites to review, and they have no priority at all which cannot be empirically justified by each editor's experience!

And (like most other sources of possible sites, these submittals have a VERY low signal-to-noise ratio -- the vast majority of site suggestions, like the vast majority of Google site searches, do NOT yield listable sites. This fact alone weighs heavily against any proposal that editors should spend more time on site submittals than they already do.


Dec 2, 2005
Ok, I think I got your point.

I have read all the answers, I really understand you and your position. It is much more interesting to add sites which you have found by your self, because no one has point you on this site and your review will be based on your own opinion and you don't need to get through thousands spam sites etc... It is simple psychology...

But may be it will be better way to remove suggestions completely? Why not? I know you will find my site some day... and now my submission is just a part of 80% spam sites. So, why don't to give all sites equal chances and simply add them by your self?

I know most of you don't create rools on dmoz, so, it is just a discussion...

Thank you.


Jan 23, 2003
But may be it will be better way to remove suggestions completely?

That has been suggested, and there is a certain degree of sentiment within the editor community, but it will likely never happen, because doing so would be short-sighted on our part.

Why would we ever want to do away with a potential source fo sites -- even if it is a poor source?

Sometimes a poor source is better than no source, and newer/beginning editors often rely heavily upon submissions while they are learning to edit and learning to find better sources of sites.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
waxattack, that too is a common reaction. But it's based on a rather-too-simplistic picture of the world.

Where is spam absent? Google search results? (I find that hard to believe...) Other directories? (no) Television ads (get real.)

We do the best we can with all the resources we have. Taking a resource away from us CAN'T help -- after all, if it were no good at all we wouldn't be using it anyway. And it WILL hurt whomever WAS getting some good out of it (even though they had to work hard to do it.)

So long as editors have the freedom to pick the most productive resource, the more resources we have, the better.


Dec 2, 2005
Ok, thank you again for your time. I hope other forum readers will find this discussion useful.

I have submit an editor application one more time (in a smaller category), so, may be (I hope) I will join editors and understand them more ))

Thank you.
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