Please help me to submit website


May 5, 2010
Dear Staff,

Thank you for your time. I have been suggesting an URL:

<url removed>

for the passed 6 months. I also spent time to review and follow all the rules and regulations needed to successfully suggest an good URL. Yet I still couldn't have the suggested URL listed.

It will be a great help if you can review my particular case and give me suggestions. If there is information missing or violations against the URL suggesting rules, I appreciate your answers and helps to have the URL successfully listed.



<site details removed>


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Unfortunately, discussing specific sites is against the ToS of this forum. I can give you some general advice, though.
When you say you have been suggesitng your site for the past six months, it sounds as if you have been suggesting it repeatedly. If that is the case, you may have been doing yourself a disservice; most editors will not review suggested site in the order they were suggested, but if the editor who next looks at suggested sites in that category should choose to start with the oldest suggestions, yours will be dated from the most recent time you suggested it. (New suggestions of the same URL to the same category overwrite previous ones.)

If you have suggested your site once or twice, it means that it will be reviewed by some editor at some point; there is no way of knowing who will review it or when - it depends entirely on how much interest there is in editing the category you suggested it to. There is nothing you can do to speed up the time until review, and suggesting the site again can be counter productive, as explained above. I'm afraid the best thing for you to do with regard to your site's listing in is to forget about it for the time being; it will happen when it happens.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
There are two sets of rules here, and a lot of people confuse them.

Ruleset 1 is about what websites should be listed. Conceptually, it's fairly simple: SIGNIFICANT UNIQUE CONTENT. There are some "pilpul" interpretations: affiliate links and advertisements of any form aren't unique, obviously: so they simply don't figure at all in the review -- unless, of course, they are so prominent on the website that the reviewer can't easily find any other content. But there are other kinds of non-unique content: mirror or scraped wikipedia or CIA Factfile material, for instance, that is treated the same way.

You don't need anyone to tell you whether your website is unique. You know where you got the information; you know whether that information is already online. There's nothing we can tell you that you don't already know better.

Ruleset 2 is about the best way to SUGGEST a site. Partly it's about the most efficient way of suggesting: find the best category, write a description in the same style as other descriptions. And you don't need anyone to tell you about that. Because if you don't do a good job, the editor can just ... fix it.

The second part of the SUGGESTION rules is basic courtesy: don't spam (repeat suggestions), don't expect the editors to do anything for you that they couldn't be expected to do (as a matter of course) do for all your competitors beforehand. Editors aren't expected to give responses to discourteous communications, it's better to cut off ALL communications with the rude submitter.

Which doesn't leave anything in a suggestion that needs a response.

That's why there's no mechanism for responding to suggestions.
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